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(To any regulars, the original video was deleted by either YouTube or its user and I had to replace it.)

*Half an hour before Darkrai's arrival.*


I was sitting on a rock in the shade of a tree, in my human body, waiting for Malamar to show up.

Mismagius and Gothorita had found a pale blue crystal the length and width of three pencils clustered together; which will allow me to be human in this world, but only temporarily. The only drawback is that I have to be touching it with my bare hand.

The main reason for this was that when they examined my psychic energy, they saw that after I remembered Darkrai and Cresselia's betrayal, my powers were never going to allow me to walk again unless I forgave them.

(I guess that's the real reason why Mewtwo asked me for forgiveness on their behalf.)

But in my opinion, being human and able to walk again without anyone's help was better than doing something I really didn't want to do.

Ironic given the vision I had after Mismagius and Gothorita left to find me this crystal.

It was about my fuse with Cresselia. We'll be right at the critical point just before our fuse becomes permanent, and I will be relying on both Mismagius and Malamar for help.

Well, mostly Malamar's help. Mismagius will be coming along just for the company and as an extra power source to keep mine and Cresselia's essences apart. (And to keep me upright as I walk.)

Right across from my rock are several blood-red and technicolor crystals.

When I touched one of the red ones I saw a memory of mine, complete with thoughts and feelings, flash before my eyes; it was the day my grandfather took me around the islands. And when I touched a technicolored one, Cresselia's memory, again complete with thoughts and feelings, flashed before my eyes.

She felt pulled by something and it brought her to New World Island during the rains. There was a little boy with freckles, sky blue hair, and gold-yellow eyes, just like mine, about seven or eight years old and he was pulling on her wing to a cave in the only mountain.

After they got inside, he practically dragged her over to a severely injured and beaten, not to mention unconscious, Darkrai.

(I was equal parts sorry and pleased to see that. And not as ashamed as I should have been in regards to that pleasure.)

The boy's frantic pleas for help and that of the little red-haired girl, who was also there, are what swayed Cresselia to heal Darkrai.

As she was healing him, Darkrai half-opened his eyes. His vision appeared to be bleary for he said in a daze: "You are . . . beautiful." Then he lost consciousness again.

I could literally feel Cresselia's heart skip a beat as she blushed at Darkrai's words before the memory ended.

I wonder if that's when they first met. I thought. Who were those kids?

It was as those questions were running through my mind that Zorua ran over to me with a bunch of berries in my bag.

(Just before I got this crystal, Zorua had come back from her food-hunting mission empty-handed. It was then I gave her my bag and told her to search the Fortress's tunnels. The food that Mismagius brought us had to come from somewhere, right?)

"Don't ask me how I got these berries," she said as she dropped the bag beside me. "I had to get very creative just to find them."

(Meaning she had to steal them from someone. I hope it was our enemies.)

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