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*This story will not have a title picture.*

*What happened after Jake and everyone were sent to the dungeons.*

Malamar sweat-dropped as Mismagius sent all the humans, plus General Shiftry and little Zorua, to the dungeons. "Was that reaction really necessary?"

"You were swooning over their friend." one of the Beheeyem replied. "How did you expect them to react?"

"Also, Gardevior isn't here anymore." another added.

Malamar groaned as his head and arms drooped. "How soon can we get back home?" he asked without looking up.

"Momentarily," Mismagius replied. "Just as soon as I make sure there's no one else in the ravine."

She chanted her reveal spell to draw out anyone or anything that could be hiding within the area. When nothing happened, she teleported them all back to the castle. After they appeared in the courtyard, they saw Elgyem hovering back and forth in an anxious manner on the steps of the main entrance.

"Sorry about the cubed prison, Elgyem," Mismagius replied as she and the others ascended the stairs. "But for you to maintain your cover, I had to trap you in it."

"I'm not upset about that," he began. "I'm upset because I'm not with the others in the dungeon!" he continued as he followed them into the castle. "Me not being there will raise a bunch of red flags and blow my cover!"

"Not if we tell them that you're the first one we're interrogating. After Healer has seen to your wounds of course." Mismagius told him.

"Besides, your cover might already be blown," Kontororu replied. "Or are you forgetting that there are prisoners in the dungeon that know you work for Malamar and they could have already told the ones that just arrived?"

Mismagius facepalmed as she thought: How could I have overlooked that?

Elgyem sank to the floor dejectedly while Malamar and the Trio, plus Kontororu, left the two of them there. Malamar went to his room to wash off the caked-on mud while Kontororu and the Trio went to the kitchens to eat; Cofagrigus is a very good cook.

Elgyem sighed; "I might as well go to the dungeons and take my lumps."

"And I might as well go with you and ask them what's in this bag," Mismagius added as she, Elgyem, and the Beheeyem left for the dungeons.

Jake and Ben were arguing again. Mismagius, the Beheeyem, and Elgyem had left for bed hours ago. Kontororu and the Trio briefly made an appearance to gloat. Malamar came only to ask about Gardevoir, but Jake and everyone who knows her, all covered their ears and practically screamed 'la la la' or shouted objections over the noise that she will never in a million years be his queen.

*Flashback#1: Mismagius, Elgyem, and the Beheeyem.*

When Mismagius and Elgyem visited Jake's cell, she asked him questions about the contents of Jenna's bag. She was stunned when she saw the violin and music box and demanded to know where Jenna got them.

"Don't where she got the violin," Jake replied. "But the music box is a family heirloom. Before you open that," he added as Mismagius was about to open the box. "You should know that Kontororu broke it."

"He what?!" Mismagius demanded with a vein pulsing on her head as she opened the music box. When the only sound to emerge was a warped tune and a tik, tik, tik noise, she shut the lid.

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