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*This story will not have a title picture.*

*These are the stories that Malamar, Mismagius, and Jenna talked about while on their way to Yveltal. And when everyone returned to the gorge to rescue Darkrai before Jack raced after Jenna.*


Malamar, Mismagicus, and Jenna appeared at the base of the Shadow Mountains thanks to Mismagicus's transportation crystal, which disintegrated into dust the moment it stopped glowing.

"This is as close as I dare take us," Mismagius said as the crystal's dust blew away in the breeze. "We'll have to walk from here."

"Can we make it there in under thirty minutes?" Malamar asked anxiously with a glance at Jenna, who was starting to clutch her arm where the quartz is. The knuckles of said arm turned white as her grip on the other crystal tightened.

"If we hurry, we can." To Jenna, she asked; "Can you keep up with us?"

With a pain-filled expression, she nodded. Upon seeing that, Mismagicus's eyes glowed and she hissed in a breath.

"What's wrong?" Malamar asked as Mismagicus hurried over to Jenna and wrapped her arms around her shoulder, her gems glowing.

"Either the crystal I gave her isn't doing its job, or the fuse is getting stronger."

"Probably both!" Jenna hissed. "Some of Cresselia's memories are starting to push themselves into my brain."

"That doesn't sound good," Malamar replied with a slightly panicked expression.

"It's not!" Jenna snapped.

"Less arguing, more walking!" Mismagius said as she pulled Jenna forward.

"Brace yourselves, ladies!" Malamar said as his eyes began to glow and a blue outline appeared on them. "I'm flying us there!"

They hadn't gone far when Jenna shouted: "Bad idea! Bad idea! Bad idea!"

"Why? What's wrong?" Malamar frantically asked as he set them down.

"Carrying her like that resembles how Cresselia gets around too much," Mismagius answered. "She needs to use her human legs."

"That's right," Malamar expressed as realization dawned. "Cresselia doesn't have legs."

"There's more," Mismagius added as she and Jenna walked past him. "My powers are keeping their souls separate but it's not enough." She paused as a grave look crossed her features. "Their minds and emotions are beyond my reach."

As Malamar repeatedly smacked himself in the head trying to think of something, an idea sprang into his mind. "I got it!" He hurried to catch up with them and said; "Tell us about some of the adventures you had that King Darkrai made you forget."

Jenna glared at the reminder of Darkrai's betrayal before Mismagius replied; "Are you forgetting that Cresselia also had those same adventures?"

"No, but surely her experiences were different from Jenna's."

Before Mismagius could argue, Jenna said; "Didn't you already see them from those crystals back in the gorge?"

"I told you before, I only touched one and it showed me that night back in the lab through your eyes. This time, I want to hear about your experiences."

Jenna sighed. "Where should I start?"

"What became of Kontororu and the grunts after that night?"

Jenna told him and Mismagius the events that followed from the lab's explosion to what transpired in Alamos Town, including what she learned when Lunala showed her those past events.

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