Cut Story Lines 4

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*This will not have a title picture. These are deleted story lines told from the POV of Mudkip and Zora Tao. They come from Part 4 Chapter 4.*


My radar was keeping pace with Darkrai while Luxray was loosing pace with him. He kept going under and barely had time to gasp for air when he did break surface. It was when the current dragged him so far underwater that I jumped off Luxray and into the water. Good thing I'm a fast swimmer because Darkrai was barely conscious when I got to him.

He was also heavy, even evolving into a Marshtomp, I could barely carry him to the surface. Suddenly Jenna was there and she not only helped bring Darkrai to the surface but the riverbank too.

*After Jake and everybody got out of the woods and Mrs. Tao drove off with Jenna; the story gets told from her POV.*

(Zora Tao)

Jenna's phone just alerted her that she has received a text message from someone. I looked in the rearview mirror at her. She just ignored her phone and continued to look out the window; ignoring the views passing by in favor of her own thoughts.

Hair dye aside; she looks just like my own little girl, Jenna.

Remembering the last things we said to each other before she stormed out of my house and out of my life for good, nearly brought me to tears.

I hope you are able to forgive them soon, I silently thought. Because one day, they'll be gone and you'll never get the chance to say what you need to say. Just like me.

And I once again had this silent question: Do I tell her, she and her brother are my great-grandchildren?

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