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Mountains Bluff

Jack and company stopped for brunch at the base of a large hill. They had been walking for several hours and they haven't run into anyone who could tell them if the path they were on led to either Mountains Bluff or Borac Town. As they were burying their apple cores, Jack sensed someone approaching.

And they were coming in fast.

"Heads up, guys!" he warned as he took his fighter's stance. "Get ready to fight!"

As they took fighters' stances, even Melody, Cyril asked; "Friendly or hostile?"

Jack sweat-dropped as he hesitated. "I . . . don't know. The auras I'm sensing feel . . . um, like, uh . . ."

"Like what, Jack?" Red asked as she looked at him out of the corner of her eye.

"Like . . . um. . . . You know how when you're really focused on something and nothing can distract you? That's kind of what I'm sensing," Jack answered without looking at her.

"I'm picking up the same thing," Melody, in her Pirouette Form, said from her place in the air.

Suddenly a dust cloud appeared down the path. Jack and everyone tensed up, ready to battle whomever it was. They had just made out the shapes of two Pokemon, running at full strength beside each other, when said Pokemon ran past them; leaving the teens in a cloud of dust.

The two Pokemon ran by so fast they left Melody spinning like a top in their tailwind. She wobbled when her feet touched the ground before falling when her dizziness was too much.

"Dang," Red said in awe; she had caught Melody before she hit the ground. "I thought things like that only happened in movies."

"Tell me about it," Melody replied dizzily and swirly-eyed before she transformed back into her Aria Form. "Did anyone get their license plate number?"

"Don't know about a license plate," Jack said as he stared at the tracks those Pokemon made on the path. "But I found those guys' footprints: a Hitmonchan and a Hitmonlee. Those are Fighting-types, right?" he added when he looked over his shoulder.

"That's a trick question, right?" Red replied with a raised brow.

"I'm not from New World Island, remember?" Jack said as he narrowed his eyes in annoyance.

"Right, right," Cyril interrupted, trying to prevent an argument. "You're from some other region on the mainland."

"You've been living on New World Island for how long, Jack?" Red continued despite Cyril's attempts to stop her. "Five or six years? That's more than enough time to familiarize yourself with Pokemon from other regions!"

"I was fourteen when my family and I moved from Unova to New World and I've spent most of my time studying with Jenna and working my job with Jake! Not to mention keeping up with my house chores and watching my sisters!" Jack snapped as a vein pulsed on his head. "I haven't had time for anything else!"

"Well," Melody began in the rising tension; her dizziness now gone. "Love has been known to distract some people. Am I right?" She added with a mischievous wink in Jack's direction as she floated a few feet above the ground.

Jack's entire face turned bright red despite his pitch-black fur and both he, Red, and Cyril avoided eye contact.

"We might as well follow those tracks," Cyril said after a minute or two of awkward silence. "We've got nothing else to go on."

The tracks led up the hill. It was very steep and they were all sweating bullets by the time they reached the top; except Melody, who levitated the entire way. As Jack and the other two were catching their second wind, a white and blue sphere suddenly shot at them.

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