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*Not in that order. This story will not have a title picture.*



It was nearly evening when my friends and I, plus Darkrai's subjects, found several Purrloin and Meowth desperately searching the area we were in for Pecha berries. They must have caught on to the fact that some of us were human, for they all gathered around us.

"Please don't hurt us!" They begged when they saw Crystal. "We're just trying to help our friends, siblings, and the Boss get better!"

"What happened?" she asked as she folded her arms. "You guys try to rob somebody again?"

"No!" one of the male Purrloin objected. "We were defending ourselves when we were battling some evil Pokemon allied with that monster: Malamar!"

"And the Boss got poisoned when their leader attacked him!" a Meowth added.

That was when I stepped in front of them. "Take me to your boss," I told them.

The Meowth and Purrloin must be sensing the same thing the other Pokemon were, for they all nodded and did what I said.

Persian was in really bad shape when we arrived. It took several drops of flower nectar for him, and the other Meowth and Purrloin, to recover. After they stopped making gagging noises the cats who led me here told them everything that happened.

"I thank you very much for your assistance, my lady," Persian said as he bowed before me. "In return for saving my life and those of my gang, what do you wish of me?"

"Seriously?" I asked incredulously. "There's a horrible Malamar making life miserable for everyone and you want to know what I want?!"

"I am well aware of what has been happening in the Carbink Mines and the Purrloin's home," he replied calmly. "Regrettably, I am neither strong nor powerful enough to do anything other than provide a home for anyone seeking refuge from said evil Malamar and his minions."

I sighed in aggravation. "If I can weaken Malamar, will you help us rescue our imprisoned friends and family?"

"Better," he replied. "I'll help King Darkrai take back his throne." He paused before adding; "However, I will need to contact many of my fellow thieves and a few outlaws."

With that, the Purrloin led me out and back to my group; who had been told by the Meowth to wait there as they don't trust them not to capture their friends and boss, then hand them all over to the Magnet Police.


We were camped out at another abandoned village. None of the houses or buildings were habitable so we all slept outside under the stars. A few of the guards were watching out for their fellow guards still under Malamar's spell and other dangers.

I was checking up on Darkrai and Zoroark with my psychic scanning; which had gotten much stronger and better since this morning, but I still couldn't use it to find my parents or everyone who'd been captured. They were also bedding down for the night somewhere inside a cave. Satisfied that they were both safe and alright, I drifted off to sleep.

I hadn't been asleep for long when someone literally appeared inside my dream.

I hadn't been asleep for long when someone literally appeared inside my dream

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