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(The Nightmare)

I was in a dark place and couldn't see anything! Not even my hand in front of my face. It was chilly here too, and I rubbed my arms to warm them as I walked.

"Cresselia? Are you there?" I yelled into the distance. I stood still so I could hear her reply.

No answer.

"Is anybody out there?" I continued to yell.

Still no answer. I resumed walking.

There was purple fog at my feet. The more I walked, the higher it got. I stopped walking when it reached my elbows.

"CAN ANYBODY HEAR ME!!!" I screamed. Suddenly, I had a flashback of a nightmare I had when I was little. I don't remember if it was my first nightmare, but it was most definitely the last one I had before Cresselia fused with me.

I was running from some scary shadows that were trying to catch me. (My dream self was older than I was at the time, so outrunning them was easier than if toddler me were running.)

Then out of nowhere, this huge white Pokemon appeared, and his light destroyed the shadows. He had a golden cross-like wheel on his stomach and green eyes with red pupils, plus a green circular pattern below his eyes. There were also some grey areas on his face and he had gold hooves. When he looked at me he asked: "What do you want?"

I was too stunned to say anything, and I just stood there with my mouth open; mainly to catch my breath.

When I didn't answer, he drew closer. "What do you want?" He sounded like he was getting irritated, which was making me scared all over again.

"I . . . I- I . . ." My voice was so small even I could barely hear it.

Then he did get mad. The red pupils in his eyes glowed, and he brought his face right into mine and demanded:

 The red pupils in his eyes glowed, and he brought his face right into mine and demanded:

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After that, I would wake up screaming and crying until my parents and grandparents came into my room and tried to calm me down.

What made that nightmare easy to remember was that when my parents got sucked into that vortex, I had that exact same nightmare every night for months. Only I didn't wake up screaming; I just laid in my bed and cried myself back to sleep.

This time now, no shadows were chasing me and no giant white Pokemon came to scare me to death. There was just purple fog and darkness. Oh yeah, it wasn't chilly anymore, but I was still rubbing my arms up and down.

The fog was thinning, so I resumed walking. The darkness was fading too and I could just make out a shape in the distance. It was a building.

The building had seven rows of windows and a glass dome on top. None of the lights were on, and the place looked deserted. On closer inspection, I saw the words 'New World Lab' on the front.

Living in the Shadows: Bonus FeaturesWhere stories live. Discover now