Cut Story Line 1

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*This story line was cut from Part 2: Chapter 5, between the basement and Grandma's house.*

I was ten years old and I wanted to go to Founders Day. Grandfather was working over time and wasn't at home and Jake was in Johto with his Mom at the time, so other than the staff, I had the mansion to myself. FYI the staff were told not to let me out unless it was to play in the gardens. I was in the basement's storage room snooping through a bunch of boxes when I saw something out of the corner of my eye. I turned to see what it was but there wasn't anything there. After getting a sense of deja vu I leaned my forehead against the wall wishing I could go to or at least see Founders Day when suddenly my eyes were filled with images of booths selling merchandise, food, and souvenirs. I jumped back without thinking and knocked over a box of pokemon costumes. I was buried under one pokemon costume after another and when I dug myself out I placed my head on the wall again thinking I was just seeing things brought on by a lonely mind. The same thing happened again when I did, I soon realized what I was seeing was Founders Day and the winning theme was Dark Types. I got curious and wondered if I could go there instead of just watching the festivities. I tried sticking my arm through the shadow; it worked but there was resistance, like trying swim against a . . well call it a current that wasn't strong but wasn't weak either. I then stuck my head through the shadow, it was like someone had placed a thick towel over my face, I couldn't breathe until my head was outside. As I looked around I saw that I was behind one of booths selling poke-plush toys; actually my head and shoulders were sticking out of the booth's wall, but the booth was in a dark corner and no one could see me. I came back into the basement and looked for a costume to wear, no way was I going to let anyone recognize me and take me back to the mansion not to mention tell my grandfather I snuck out. Explaining how I got out without anyone noticing was a conversation I did not want to have. I lucked out; there was a Zorua costume that was just my size.

Once I had my costume on I jumped into the shadow and banged my head on the basement wall. At first I was afraid I couldn't do it anymore, that it was just a one time thing, but once I gently placed my hand on the wall I was able to pass through the shadow.

I don't need to tell you that that was the most fun I ever had that day; FYI it was also my birthday, food and games were free for kids eleven and under. I won a lot of toys and candy, luckily I also won a wagon to carry it all. But the best thing about that day was when some of my forest friends from my parents lab showed up. Fletchling had evolved into Fletchinder, Espurr had evolved into Meowstic, Poliwag into Politoed, and Oddish into Bellossom. They all had trainers and said trainers were very surprised when they came to greet me. Meowstic's trainer was training to be a Psychic Gym Leader and Fletchinder's trainer was a Sky Battler, the rest of them were just ordinary trainers. When I asked them where the others were Meowstic placed her paw on my forehead and showed me that Ledian and Tympole where still in the woods behind the now abandoned lab and Phantump had evolved into Trevenant and was now a guardian of a different forest; but he visits now and then. Oh and Froakie had been placed into the custody of Professor Sycamore in Lumiose City of the Kalos region.

After we caught up on happenings (I told them all about my grandfather and how my bracelet allowed me to come here) their trainers called them back. When dusk began to fall I gave all my winnings to Officer Jenny and asked her to deliver them to the hospital in town. I was in a hurry, Grandfather would be back at the mansion before the evening bells toll so he could host the banquet. Just then said bells began to ring, I ran as fast as my legs could carry me, I made it to the booth where I came out of but there was a group of people there. I knew someone would notice me disappear into the wall so I ran into the alleyway hoping I could use it's shadows to get back to the basement. Like before I gently placed my hand on the wall, thought about the basement room, and stepped in. Unfortunately I was panting when I did that and I inhaled some of the shadows, I landed back in the basement coughing like I'd just inhaled a surplus of smoke. My coughing wouldn't subside even as I changed back into the clothes I had on before and went upstairs. 

Grandfather and the staff got really worried when I came in coughing like that. To tell you the truth, I could hardly breathe with all that coughing and when I collapsed Grandfather had me rushed to the hospital. By that time I was burning up with a high fever.

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