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Malamar was hovering on the balcony. Two weeks ago, he and his friends stormed Dark Castle when King Darkrai left this world for the human one and took over; it was surprisingly easy.

The first thing he did was enslave the minds of the castle leaders. With them as mind-controlled hostages, he had no problem securing the cooperation of the guards and castle staff. However, as Captain Zoroark and her family were with the human scientists, he had to send out the mind-controlled minions he enslaved before he came here and bring them all to the castle. He was informed that her children got away but she, her mate, and one of the scientists did not.

Malamar had just enough power to hypnotize one of them, any more than that until he recovers the rest of his powers and he'll have to release some of his slaves from his control. He chose the Captain.

"Tonight's the last night," he said, looking up at the moonless sky. "Come midnight, the two worlds will begin to separate. By sunrise, they will no longer be in sync."

"What will you do, my lord?" a Mismagius said from behind him. "If the former King of Dark Castle does not come back."

"Oh, he'll come back. There's no doubt about it," he replied without looking at her. "It's whether he'll come back alone that worries me."

"The Captain and Healer's children are in the human world with him. Why would he leave them behind?" she asked in puzzlement.

"I'm not talking about those cubs." He turned and looked at her. "I'm talking about that human brat: Jenna."

"One of the prisoners is her parent, correct? Jenna will come."

Just then a large and shining meteor flew across the sky.

"That has to be someone from the human world," Malamar said as they both turned to watch it. "If it was King Darkrai, he'd be using the shadows."

"So, he did activate the key," Mismagius replied. "Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't that a bit too big to be just one human?"

"Hmm." Malamar paused in thought as he stared at the meteor.

Suddenly the meteor broke into several shooting stars and scattered in all directions.

Suddenly the meteor broke into several shooting stars and scattered in all directions

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"What does this mean, my lord?"

"It means, Mismagius, that more than one human has come into our world." After the stars vanished behind the mountain peaks, he turned around and went inside; Mismagius following behind him.

Malamar was in the Throne Room with Mismagius by his side and his mind-controlled slaves kneeling before him. The troops behind them did the same while the castle staff was standing by the wall with unconcealed contempt and disdain.

"Humans have come into our world," he announced. Ignoring the multiple gasps and exclaims from the non-hypnotized castle staff, he continued. "I know not how many, but it is without a doubt the work of Darkrai's Tear. Those of you in the front row will divide into groups of five and bring those humans to the castle. One in particular."

Living in the Shadows: Bonus FeaturesWhere stories live. Discover now