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In October 2019, a pandemic unlike anything seen in the last several hundred years swept across the world. No one was safe. Schools shut down, restaurants closed, and individuals all over the world lost their jobs, houses, and even their loved ones. Lives were lost and over a hundred million people became sick. For almost a year, the world came to a standstill. However, in December 2020, a light appeared at the end of the tunnel. Hardworking scientists came up with a vaccine to fight the illness and help restore some type of normalcy to the country. Beginning in January 2021, they began to administer the vaccine, starting with medical personnel, the elderly and people in public service. Soon it became available to almost everyone and life slowly began to return to normal.

Side effects from the vaccine were typical from other vaccines: pain at the injection site, fevers, headaches, and generally just feeling crappy. The side effects were minor and not enough to deter the general public from receiving the vaccine, so it continued. By January 2022, almost the entire world had received the vaccination and life was back to normal. Stadiums opened, bringing in baseball games, football games, and concerts. Schools reopened and teachers rejoiced when their classrooms were once again filled with children and not just a face behind a computer screen. The more hesitant continued to wear masks, but it became a normal thing to see in parts of the world where it had not been the standard. Probably something that should have always been considered typical; it might have saved a lot of people. Life was going well, but that all began to change.

In July 2022, people started reporting unusual symptoms: strange smells, tasting food they were not eating, and odd dreams. The symptoms were pushed aside, categorized as too much stress. However in August of the same year, the symptoms accelerated. Now people were hearing things and feeling pain that they didn't experience. The symptoms were once again ignored and people were accused of doing drugs or drinking excessively. Then September rolled around and the symptoms astounded people once again: unexplained tattoos and seeing things that weren't there. This time there was no brushing it under the rug. Leaders around the world had no choice but to come together and create a statement, one that had plenty of proof behind it, proof that was undeniable.

  Leaders around the world had no choice but to come together and create a statement, one that had plenty of proof behind it, proof that was undeniable

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The press release went on to warn people that there were no studies yet completed to support the rejection of a soulmate. However, couples around the world chose to remain together. As the year began to come to a close, the symptoms increased and individuals wondered: Who is my soulmate?

On New Years Eve of 2022, the Golden Maknae from the world's most famous Korean pop group, BTS, experienced that first unexplainable pain. Unknowingly on the opposite side of the world, his soulmate was going through the same thing.

Soulmate to You (BTS x Reader Reverse Harem)Where stories live. Discover now