Chapter 22

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Taehyung POV:

I had tossed and turned so much the night after the Grammy's that when the alarm went off the next morning, I felt like I hadn't gotten nearly enough sleep. Rubbing my tired eyes, I sat up and shut off the offending sound. I tried to remember why I set my alarm so early, but then the sleepiness faded when I realized just exactly what today was. Today I was meeting my soulmate, our soulmate. The flight to her wasn't the longest flight we would take, but it certainly would feel that way today since we were in such a rush to get to her, to meet her.

Standing up, I hurried into the bathroom, wanting a shower. I would have liked to spend time to get ready to see my soulmate, but I was in a bigger rush to get my stuff packed and get to the cars to take us to the airport. We were landing at 1:30 and since we weren't meeting her until 5, I would have a little more time this afternoon to get myself ready. Although I would have liked to meet her as soon as we land, I was grateful to Namjoon for setting the meeting for a little later. It would give us all time to get ready.

I quickly showered and dressed than ran a brush through my hair before throwing a hat on top of it. Although I would have liked to style my hair, it was pointless before heading to the airport. Even though we rarely made it through an airport unnoticed, we did our best to move without fans noticing. I loved our fans and appreciated their support, but I wished they were a little more respectful of our privacy. It had gotten better the last two years, especially since the pandemic, but there were still some who didn't understand that we had boundaries, boundaries they sometimes crossed.

As I thought about the fans, I wondered what their reactions would be when they realized that six of us had found our soulmate. They had been supportive when Jin's relationship then engagement was revealed, along with Namjoon's relationship with Amiah, so I wondered if we would receive the same encouragement from them this time around. I could only hope so since their support meant so much to us. I had hesitated about telling ARMY about Soomin and now that the relationship was over, I was glad I didn't tell them. The fans weren't the only ones I was worried about. I was even more worried about Y/N finding out she had more soulmates than just Yoongi and Namjoon. Those two were easily confirmed, but how would she feel when she realized she had six of us? Would she be okay with it? Would she accept us? Would she love us all? I couldn't help but worry and I knew Jimin had been worried about the same.

Jimin. I couldn't help but smile when I thought about my brother, my best friend, my soulmate in another life. After we had said goodnight to everyone last night, we had sat in his room for a little while, talking about the meeting with our soulmate. Jimin was just as nervous as me about meeting her, just as nervous as me about whether or not she would like us, fall in love with us. It amazed me that after all this time, he was still so self-conscious and unsure. I would have hoped by now that his confidence level would be higher, but he still second-guessed everything, especially his appearance. It had gotten a little better, but I hoped that our soulmate would be able to show him just how amazing he actually was.

Jimin had told us about the vision he had of her and hearing about it made me happy. She had called her soulmates sexy and complimented Jimin's voice. That little bit of encouragement from her was enough to put a smile on his face, a bounce in his step, and the happiness back to his laughter. Something that was missing for too long.

Pulling myself out of my thoughts, I grabbed my bag that I wanted to carry with me and left the room. The staff would be up soon to grab the rest of my stuff and I was grateful for them. Our staff worked hard and I made sure to thank them whenever I could, making sure they knew I appreciated all their efforts and their hard work, the way they went above and beyond to make sure our needs were always taken care of. I stopped at Jimin's door and knocked, knowing he would be ready to go as well. The door opened almost immediately to a grinning Jimin on the other side. He was dressed in blue jeans and a hoodie, a black hat covering his hair. "Morning Tae! Are you ready for today?"

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