Chapter 15

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Yoongi POV:

After the conversation with Jimin, I was convinced that he and I shared the soulmate, possibly the same soulmate as Jungkook, but I didn't say anything. I just mentioned that it was interesting that our soulmates had the same name. I didn't want to tell him that I might have possibly scared her away because I acted like a jealous asshole and I may have screwed it up for the three of us. I knew if she didn't forgive me, didn't want any of us then he would never forgive me. All Jimin wanted was to be loved and to know that I may have ruined that for him killed me on the inside.

We arrived back in the United States and from the conversation I overheard with Jimin, I knew my soulmate, our soulmate lived here. The idea of her being so close, yet so far away tormented me and I had no idea what to do. I didn't have any idea how to get to her besides dreams and over the last several I hadn't seen her. I didn't know what that meant and I hoped it meant I hadn't fucked it up permanently. I knew my actions were based on jealousy, but I couldn't help it. She was my soulmate and the idea of her with another devastated me, hurting me in a way I didn't even realize was possible.

I lay on the bed in my hotel room, completely exhausted from everything that had gone on. The way I had treated my soulmate, the shows in Canada, the interviews, the rush through the airport to avoid overenthusiastic fans, just... just all of it. It was early in the afternoon, but I didn't have anywhere to be. Snuggling into the fresh smelling pillow, I let sleep overtake me.

The woods were familiar, along with the scent of the sea and the distant warm breeze flowing through. I trudged along the path, worried that just like the last few dreams, my soulmate wouldn't be there, that she hadn't forgiven me for the horrible words I had shouted at her. Words that were torn from a jealousy that existed inside me. One I didn't even know I had. When the woods opened up and the cliff appeared, my mouth dropped open in shock and I quickened my steps.

My soulmate was seated on the bench, her head hanging down. "Y/N?" My words were soft as I approached and she looked up with a startled expression, like an animal caught off guard. She stood and went to leave, but I grabbed her wrist. "Please. Please don't leave."

Y/N hesitated but sat on the edge of the bench, her movements tense as though she was ready to bolt at any moment. I sat next to her, close enough that I could get the faintest whiff of her shampoo, but far enough away that I wasn't encroaching on her space.

Moving my hand from her wrist to her palm, I laced my fingers with hers. "I'm... I'm so sorry. The last time I saw you, I said some horrible things, things that were unforgivable." I stopped for a moment, trying to pull my thoughts together. "I was jealous. Jealous that someone else had been with my soulmate, the person who has captured my heart so fully even though I've never met you."

As she faced me, I could see Y/N's eyes fill with tears, glistening drops that welled up in her beautiful eyes. Glittering crystals that clung to her lashes, wanting to spill down her cheeks. "I... I don't usually do things like that, but the whole idea of having a soulmate was just... just so unbelievable that I had convinced myself it wasn't real, that you're not real."

I gave her a wry smile, trying to hide the fact that my heart broke at her words, but I understood where she was coming from. The idea of soulmates was still not something widely accepted, widely recognized. Something that was seen and believed right away. Even with undeniable proof, soulmate pairs around the world were hesitant to believe that there existed someone just for them. Since our bond was based on dreams and not something with tangible proof, it was a little harder to believe that our bond was real.

As I studied Y/N's face, I could see the guilt in her eyes, the regret that was so clearly obvious, but there was also something else there, hidden beneath the surface. Something that I could tell she wasn't ready to tell me, something I wanted to know but wouldn't pressure her into revealing. I already needed to gain her trust and her forgiveness for my asshole behavior; I didn't want to push her away any further.

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