Chapter 31

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Jin POV:

"Man I love the fans here!" We had just stepped off the stage after our first set, hurrying backstage to change into our next set of outfits. The fans in Brazil were high energy and even though the main language was Portuguese, they sang our Korean songs just as well as the fans in Seoul. It was true what Yoongi said once about music being the universal language. You didn't have to understand the words or the lyrics to enjoy the song. It made me feel so good that our music was able to reach so many people across the world.

When we first debuted, I thought we would play a few concerts, garner a decent sized fan base and build up our little dream of performing. However, ten years later, that dream was much bigger than I had ever dreamed it would be. I never imagined I would play sold out stadiums to tens of thousands of fans, to have my face plastered all over social media with multiple requests to get married or have their babies (Mi-suk hated those!), or to be traveling the world playing our music for people who very clearly enjoyed it, people who sang and danced along even when they didn't understand the lyrics.

Namjoon grinned at me as I spoke and I couldn't help but feel as though things were normal again. The last week and a half had been extremely uncomfortable, especially around Yoongi. I knew he was still upset with me for the way I had reacted around Y/N, but I couldn't help it. I had to keep my distance from her so I wouldn't blurt out that she was my soulmate, so that I wouldn't plead for her forgiveness for the way I treated her, so I wouldn't beg her to love me too.

With every part of me, I knew that I was wrong, but I was too worried about hurting her even worse than I already had. What would happen if I were kind to my soulmate, let her in? I was afraid that we would develop feelings for each other, feelings that I was already on the brink of having. But then what would happen when I married Mi-suk? It would hurt us both. I wanted to pretend that I was only doing this for her own good, but the other part of me was selfish, wanting to protect my own heart from breaking when I would eventually have to walk away from her.

It wasn't just Yoongi who was upset with me. I could see it with the maknaes too, especially Jimin. He had fallen for her immediately, drawn into her sweet personality, her caring and loving nature, her heart that was bigger than the moon. I wasn't blind. I could see it just like they could, but the problem was that I didn't want to admit it, admit that the woman I wasn't allowed to have had pulled me in, just like she had been able to do with the rest of my members.

When she was at breakfast with us that last day, I had watched her with the others and I had been helpless to stop myself. She made sure to give them all the same attention, the kindness in her eyes never once wavering. She let the guys be close to her without showing any kind of irritation and when Jimin rested his head on Taehyung there was no type of disgust in her eyes, in her pretty face. She just gave him the same sweet smile, the same look of adoration that I had seen from the moment she met them all.

Stripping off my mic, I took the clothes from the stylist Noonas and brought them behind the screen. I quickly stripped off my black pants, exchanging them for white ones before donning a sky blue shirt with shimmering rhinestones. It was one of my favorite outfits with its simple design. The rest of the guys had the same color pants but we were all given shirts of different colors: pale pink, lavender, mint green, peach, soft grey, and a pale yellow. Buttoning up my shirt, I switched out my shoes before heading back out to get my hair and makeup touched up. Yoongi was seated in the other chair and I gave him a hesitant smile, but he just nodded back.

Letting out a sigh, I sat down, hating the distance between us. I had tried to apologize, but I knew it didn't sound sincere since I couldn't tell him the truth, tell him why I was feeling this way, acting this way. My pride and my loyalty to family wouldn't let me. What was I going to say? We share the same soulmate, one I feel a strong connection to, but I'm afraid if I cancel the wedding and accept her, my family will disown me? Even to me it sounded childish, but I couldn't help it. Family was so important to me so even though I knew I was sacrificing my happiness so they could be proud of me, I would do it anyways. I knew it was easier with Y/N being in the US and us being on tour, but I knew it would get even more challenging when she came to Korea. How would I be able to stay away from her then?

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