Chapter 42

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Yoongi POV:

Early the next morning, I woke to a still dim room.  The sun hadn't fully risen, but I was too anxious about the day to sleep in.  Today was the day we would be leaving for Daegu to meet with both Taehyung's and my parents before heading to Gwanju and Busan.  I was nervous about the whole situation, because I didn't want my sweet soulmate to stress out about it all.  She was so kind and caring, so loving that I wanted her to feel accepted.  I had already told my parents about her a few months ago, but I was still concerned about it all.

I had been worried about my parents' reaction when I first told them about Y/N, but similar to everyone else's parents, they had been surprisingly supportive.  I knew they were apprehensive about the whole situation, bearing in mind that she was soulmate to six of us, but they told me they trusted my judgment and if I was happy then that was all that mattered.  My mom had expressed her eagerness to meet my soulmate and I was excited to finally make that happen, to finally bring her to Daegu and share with her the place I had grown up, the place that made me who I am.

Climbing out of bed, I took a quick shower, thinking of the meeting in the dorms yesterday.  I had been surprised to see Jin there and even more surprised to see his mother by his side.  She had noticed Y/N almost immediately, which wasn't surprising considering the fact that I was clinging to her hand.  When Namjoon had introduced Y/N as our soulmate, I had been expecting to see uneasiness in Jin's mother's face, but there was nothing of the sort.  She had been polite and kind and my sweet soulmate had responded in the same manner, showing the older woman respect.  It had made me proud to stand by her side, to be hers.

It had been interesting to watch Jin's interactions with her and I couldn't help but feel pity for my only hyung.  It was clear from the way he looked at her that Jin wanted nothing more than to be a part of our soulmate group, to be able to hold her hand, kiss those soft lips and feel surrounded by the love that covered you up like a blanket.  Namjoon had shared with me the conversation with Jin and I wanted to shake the older man for his stupidity, but at the same time, I could understand it.  Jin's parents were very traditional and the idea of soulmates was probably not something they would agree with.  At least that's what we all thought.  However, Jin's mother's reaction had been completely unexpected.  She had instantly accepted Y/N as our soulmate and it made me wonder if she would do the same if she found out that Y/N was Jin's as well.

Pushing the thoughts of Jin from my mind, I headed into the kitchen to start breakfast and a pot of coffee, wanting to spoil my soulmate, along with my members.  While the coffee brewed, I studied the contents of the refrigerator, wondering what to make for breakfast.  After a moment, I pulled out the meat and the rice, along with eggs, wanting to at least give Y/N something that was familiar.  The coffee pot and water for tea had just finished brewing when Taehyung stumbled in, rubbing his eyes.  "Morning hyung."

"Morning.  How did you sleep?"  I could see from his sleepy smile that he was still tired and I hoped he would be able to relax and get some good rest in Daegu.  Trying to get used to extra sleep after a tour was challenging since we were always busy with one promotion or another.  This would be our first real break in two years and I was more than excited to start it, more than ready to have some downtime, some time to spend with my pretty soulmate.

"Good."  Taehyung picked up the cup of tea I had made him and grinned.  "I peeked in Y/N's room on the way in here.  Want to guess who is in her bed?"

"Jimin-ah back in there again?"  Taehyung nodded and I shook my head in amusement.  "That kid really is a snuggler."

Taehyung was silent for a moment.  "Do... do you think she will let me snuggle with her?  I really want to, but I don't... I'm afraid she will turn me away."

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