Chapter 23

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A/N: Special double update since you have all been so patient with me! Enjoy and make sure to read Chapter 22 first!

Namjoon POV:

The instant my soulmate walked in the door, I knew right away that this was the woman I had been waiting my whole life for. My stomach filled with butterflies and I had never felt so happy in my life. This right here was proof that the woman in front of me was mine. She was definitely my soulmate. I hurried over to her and reached out my hands to take hers. "Hi. I'm... I'm Kim Namjoon. I'm your soulmate."

Y/N grinned and squeezed my hands gently, the soft touch turning the butterflies to bats and my mind racing with all the things I wanted to do with her and to her. "I'm Y/N. It's nice to meet you."

"Please... please come in and meet the rest of the guys." Releasing one of her hands, I brought her further into the room. I could see she was nervous and trying to hide it, but the happiness in her eyes was almost impossible to hide. It was clear that she was thrilled to be here, to meet us. As the other members approached, I couldn't help but ogle at her beauty. She was the most beautiful woman I had ever seen and every part of me longed to pull her into my arms, to kiss her, to fully make her mine, but I tried to push the thoughts from my mind knowing that we were nowhere near that yet.

"Y/N? It's... it's good to finally meet you in person." Yoongi's voice was soft, sweeter than I had ever heard and I could see from the look on his face that he was just as head over heels for her as I was, possibly even more. "You're just as beautiful as I remember." Yoongi took her other hand then pulled her into a hug.

Y/N's arms wrapped around him immediately and I could see the sheen of tears in her eyes. After what Yoongi had told us about what happened in their dreams, I knew he was nervous about meeting her in person, about her reactions, but I could see that she was just as happy to see him, just as willing to move on from the hurt and get to meet her soulmate. "Hi Yoongi. I'm so... so happy to see you."

Although I wanted to give them their time, I could see there were four others who were itching to get close to her, wanting to tell her just who they were to her, who she was to them. "Y/N? There are some things we would like to talk with you about. Is that... is that okay?"

Y/N nodded her head, her eyes a little worried. I wanted to pull her into a hug and tell her everything was okay, tell her she was perfect and everything I ever wanted, tell her it was all going to be okay. Anything to get that flicker of fear that was hiding in her beautiful eyes. "Um... okay."

I gestured towards a chair at the table and she slid into it, giving me a soft smile, one filled with nervousness but still that glimmer of happiness. I sat down next to her and Yoongi took the other side. I didn't miss the pout from Jimin as he moved to the other side of the table. He moved to the other side of the table and sat across from her, his lips set in a tiny frown. "So this isn't anything bad. Or at least we don't think so. Actually I'm really happy about it. So are the others, but we don't know how you're..."

"You're my soulmate." The words cut through my rambling and I looked up to see Jimin, his cheeks flushed in embarrassment from the way he blurted out the words. From the way he ducked his head down, I could see it wasn't intentional, but something he just couldn't hold in any longer. "I'm sorry. Did not mean to blurt out, but I want to tell you."

"I know." Y/N gave Jimin the same soft smile that she had given me and I could see the tension that was in his slight frame begin to dissipate at her words. There was no hesitation, no irritation, no disgust in her eyes. Just the same contentment that she showed when she looked at me. "I... I saw you in my visions and my best friend, Arely, told me who you were. I was... was there at your concert when you performed here. I saw you taking off your stage makeup."

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