Chapter 25

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Jimin POV:

As Yoongi left the room, I looked around in shock at the rest of the members.  Hoseok hesitated then rushed out after him, calling a quick 'We'll meet you back at the hotel' over his shoulder.  Taehyung and Jungkook looked just as surprised as I did that Yoongi would say those things to Jin and I could see Namjoon was prepared to deescalate the situation.  It was the first time I had ever heard Yoongi speak to Jin like that and even though I didn't want to admit it even to myself, I couldn't help but feel that he was right, that he had every right to say the things he did, that defending our soulmate for doing absolutely nothing wrong was the correct thing to do.  We gave Mi-suk a chance so why couldn't he do the same thing for us? 

Thoughts of Jin's fiancé made me shudder involuntarily.  Mi-suk was never kind to Taehyung, Jungkook and me, or even the older members for that matter, but Jin insisted on bringing her around, insisted on us getting to know her, insisted on trying to make her part of our group.  We tried, we really did, since Jin was so important to us, but Mi-suk did not make it easy.  In fact, she made it downright damn difficult.  Everything we did annoyed her and I knew she questioned Taehyung's and my relationship since we were so close.  We had been playing around one day, me trying to get my phone from him, and I ended up in his lap.  Mi-suk had walked in and the disgust on her face was so clear it couldn't have been more obvious than if she slapped me. 

My soulmate, our soulmate, had tried to open up to Jin, tried to be nice.  Y/N even told him that she wanted to know the people that were important to us, the people who mattered to us.  It was a sign of my soulmate's caring heart, just another indication that told me that she was the perfect one for us, the one we were supposed to be with, but Jin showed absolutely no interest in it at all, shutting her down without even giving her a chance.  The look of embarrassment that had colored her cheeks when she tried to backtrack had hurt my heart and I had wanted to pull her in my arms and comfort her.  Thankfully Taehyung was smart enough to know what to say to her, to bring that smile back to her face.

"Jin-hyung?  Just... just give him some time to calm down.  You know he will come around when he is ready."  I could see by the look on Namjoon's face that he understood why Yoongi behaved the way he did, why he lost his cool with Jin, but as the leader, he felt it was his responsibility to put out the fires before they consumed us, before they destroyed everything we had worked so hard to build, to create. 

Jin nodded and left the room, Jungkook and Taehyung following behind him.  I turned to Namjoon, a question on my mind, but not exactly sure how to approach it.  "Namjoon-hyung?  What... what's going to happen with Amiah?  Are you still... still going to see her?"

Namjoon looked surprised at my question but shook his head hurriedly.  "No.  I'm going to end the relationship.  I wanted to wait until we got back to Korea and do it in person, but... but I don't want to drag it out, especially knowing my soulmate is here.  I want to be... to be able to talk to Y/N without the idea of Amiah hanging over my head.  It's... it's my plan for when we go back to the hotel."

I could see the anxiety and indecision on his face.  I knew he hated breaking up with someone over the phone, especially since to him, it would seem like the coward's way out, but we both knew it had to be done.  Our soulmate was here, right in front of us and clearly liked us.  I, for one, would feel like I was missing out on something if I didn't at least try to see where it would go.  Every part of me told me she was the one, the one I was supposed to be with and I couldn't help but feel as though I was already falling in love with her.

Crazy, I know, but it was something I was helpless to stop.  The common sense part of me tried to convince me it was too soon, too quick, but the more romantic side told me that she was my soulmate and it was okay to feel this way about her, to love her, to want her, to want to make her mine in every way.  I had always dreamed about finding someone to love and the knowledge that she was right here in front of me made my heart flip over in happiness and the butterflies erupt into excited fluttering in my stomach.

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