Chapter 51

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Namjoon POV:

As Yoongi left my room, I tried to push aside the hesitation he had implanted in my mind, the thoughts of doubt that were creeping into my brain.  Jin wouldn't do something stupid like that, would he?  He was well-mannered, behaviors instilled in him from his parents.  He had come from a very traditional family and showing respect and politeness, no matter the uncomfortable situation, was something he had grown accustomed to.  I had seen it during countless awkward interviews.  That unfailing smile on his face, that respect to his voice.  He never let it slip.  Not once.  He definitely wouldn't now, right?

I shook my head, trying to clear the uncertainties from my brain, but they continued to seep in, making me question everything I knew about my eldest hyung.  Standing up from my position on the bed, I headed into my bathroom.  I splashed some cold water on my face and it helped to clear away some of the thoughts, making my mind a little clearer.  Drying off my face, I hung up the towel then headed out of the bathroom, switching off the light as I left.  knowing that staying in my room would only increase the indecisions running through my brain, I left the room and went in search of the woman who had the ability to make everything better in the blink of an eye.

My search for my kind and beautiful soulmate didn't take long.  As I stepped into the living room, I saw Y/N on the sofa with Jimin and Jungkook.  Jimin was on her left, his arms wrapped around her waist, his lips close to her ear, as he held her tightly against his side.  I had no idea what he was whispering to her, but from the way her eyes widened and her head ducked down shyly, I knew it wasn't PG rated.  Jungkook was on the other side, holding her hands, his long fingers gently stroking over her much smaller ones.

Although I hated to admit it, when I first realized we all shared the same soulmate, I had lingering doubts in my mind that things would work out the way we had hoped they would.  Having more than one soulmate was challenging enough, but seven?  And on top of that make them international superstars who came from a completely different country, filled with a language and customs so unlike your own.  I had questioned how well Y/N would be able to handle it and I was pleasantly surprised to discover just how resilient my soulmate was.  She had learned the language, putting time and effort into being able to communicate with us and our families, and had adapted well to being in Korea.

Moving further into the room, I stopped in front of the sofa, my arms crossed over my chest and a stern look on my face.  "You two going to hog our soulmate all day?"

Jimin shrugged, his hold on Y/N not releasing in the slightest.  I couldn't stop the smile that crossed my face as he moved imperceptibly closer to her.  "Yep."  Of all of the members, Jimin had been the one most anxious to find love, to find the woman of his dreams.  Knowing he had found her in Y/N helped to alleviate some of the hesitations that I had been feeling.  Watching the two of them together helped to calm the storm that Yoongi had brewing in my stomach.

Y/N laughed at his response, no hint of irritation in her face as she turned to Jimin.  "Do I get a say in this?"

Jimin shook his head.  "Nope.  I missed you today so I'm making up for lost time."

Y/N laughed again, Jungkook and I joining her.  Jungkook squeezed her hand gently.  "Sorry hyung.  I'm with Jimin-hyung on this one.  We didn't get to spend much time with her today."

"What are you going to do when we go back to work in a another week?"  I couldn't help but pose the question that I knew was in everyone's mind.

Jimin's lips turned down in a pout.  "I think I'm going to retire.  I don't want to go back to work."

Shaking my head, I reached over and ruffled his hair.  "Oh stop.  You know you don't mean that.  You love what you do and you love ARMY."

"I know, but I love my soulmate more."  Jimin's words were sincere and from the way his eyes didn't have their usual brightness, I knew he was seriously considering the idea, even if just for a moment.

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