Chapter 14

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After the dream with Yoongi and his absolute rage at me, I tried to push the thoughts of soulmates away from my mind. Was this really all true? Or was it just a sign of too much stress and not enough sleep? I was starting to doubt the whole soulmate thing. This really couldn't be true, could it?

As much I wanted to believe it wasn't real, I knew it was simply a defense mechanism for dealing with Yoongi's anger. I could understand why he was angry, I really did, but the fact was we hadn't even met each other. How do I know he wasn't doing the exact same thing? I hated thinking that way about someone who is supposed to be my soulmate, but I knew deep down it was a way for me to try and protect myself from the hurt I was feeling over his reaction. I knew it was wrong, but I couldn't help it.

And if things couldn't get any worse, I'd been dealing with some of the worst menstrual cramps of my life. I had always been pretty lucky, never really have to deal with the pain and laughing when Arely would complain about her pain, but now it felt like it was all coming back to bite me and I didn't like that. I knew if I called her to complain, she would definitely rub it in my face. I loved my friend, I really did, but she would always take the opportunity to say I told you so.

Forcing myself to get up, I finally pulled myself from my bed and stumbled my way to the bathroom, wanting some pain medication and a nice hot shower before making my way to work. The cramps had been off and on for the last couple of days and luckily today they were starting to fade. Not bad enough to render me completely incapacitated, but enough to make me flinch a little when one hit. The pain meds would be enough to take the edge off and the hot shower would help the rest of the pain fade away.

After stepping out of the shower, I grabbed a towel of the rack and dried myself off. I pulled on my undergarments then turned to hang the towel back on the rack. A black mark on my shoulder caught my attention in the mirror and I tried to see what it was. When I got closer, my mouth dropped open in surprise. It was a collection of three stars, small enough to be hidden under my clothing. I stood there, staring at the mark for a moment, unable to believe what was happening. I had another soulmate? How could this be real? The reminder of Yoongi's anger and the sights I was having of the sexy man on the stage at the concert made me stumble, grabbing onto the doorframe for support. Is it possible I had three soulmates?

Running into my room, I flopped down on my bed and grabbed my phone, opening it up to the Google homepage. I searched more than one soulmate and the results loaded quickly. I opened up the first testimonial and read everything I could.

Rebekka Althaus of Wiesbaden, Germany has recently found out to be the soulmate to four different men. The four men, all close friends from the nearby town of Kastel, discovered the woman to be their soulmate when one of the friends, Kiefer Stein, received a vision of the woman. His best friend, Ivon Kuhn, saw the same woman in his dreams. When they ran into each other during a fall festival in Biebrich, Kuhn and Stein spotted the young woman near the beverage stands and after explaining who they were, they introduced Althaus to their friends. It was revealed soon after that Althaus was the soulmate to all four men.

Laying there in shock, I tried to process everything I had read. Could it be possible? Knowing that there were others with multiple soulmates, it's possible that I had more than one, but how do I figure it out? How do I determine who they are? Was the handsome singer from the concert really one of them? And how do I figure out the other two?

Tugging out my scrubs from the drawer, I quickly got dressed, wanting to get to Arely and see what she said. I wanted to know her opinion on it all and see what she thought. I knew she was really going to say I told you so, but I needed an extra set of eyes, an extra open mind. I pulled my hair into a ponytail, wanting to get it out of my face. After I grabbed my keys and phone, I picked up my bag and hurried out of the house, ready to head to the hospital.

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