Chapter 24

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Hoseok POV:

During the remainder of the meal, I continued getting to know my soulmate, our soulmate.  From the instant she walked in the door, I knew right away who she was.  I felt the connection, the butterflies in my stomach, the feeling of floating and flying, the feeling of wanting someone so damn much that you would be willing to do anything for them, be anything for them.  I could tell in a second who she was to me, who I was to her.  When she laughed for the first time, it was just the confirmation that I didn't really need.  It was the same laugh I had heard in my head countless times, the one I dreamed about.

As I watched her interact with the others, I couldn't help but thank the universe for choosing such a perfect soulmate.  She was kind and caring, beautiful and funny, exactly like the girl I had always dreamed of.  When I first mentioned my family and I saw her smile drop, I had been so worried, worried that my soulmate wouldn't want to meet my family, wouldn't want to have that relationship with them, but I soon realized my worries were completely unfounded.  My sweet soulmate was concerned with how she would communicate with them.  I could see the relief in her eyes when Namjoon offered to tutor her, taking away the concern I could see she had.

After meeting her, I had only two concerns remaining.  One was now that I knew her, how was I going to let her go?  With the concerts coming up in Europe, I knew trying to build the relationship would be difficult.  Would she even be interested in moving to Korea once we all returned?  Would that even be something she was interested in?  It worried me more than I thought it would.  I was afraid she would reject us, decide that it wasn't worth it to uproot her life and move to a country where she didn't know the language, didn't know the culture, didn't know the customs.  I tried to table that worry for now and just enjoy the time with Y/N.

My other concern had to do with Jin.  As he ate, I noticed he kept darting glances over to Y/N and once he even stared at his burger, his face scrunching up as though he just ate something really hot.  He had set the burger down really quickly and taken a long drink of water.  I could see Jungkook notice the same thing and for the second time, the thought of Jin being Y/N's soulmate crossed my mind.  It just didn't make any sense to me why he wouldn't be if the rest of us were.  We kind of came as a packaged deal.  It was also the way he looked at her.  It was the same look that the rest of us had on our faces, the look of complete adoration.  That was when he wasn't scowling.  At first I wondered if he disliked her, but then other times I could see the tiny smile that he couldn't hold in, the one that appeared on its own.

Pushing the thoughts aside, I turned my attention back to my soulmate.  Last night, we had talked about how to approach the topic of seeing where this relationship would go.  From the look on Namjoon's face, I could see he was ready to talk, ready to bring it up and hear Y/N's thoughts on the whole thing.  The only thing I could wish for was that she wouldn't reject us, wouldn't automatically say no.

"Um... Y/N?  There was something... something we kind of wanted to talk to you about.  Our... our World Tour is going to continue for the next couple of months before we head back to Korea.  Once... once we return, we..." Namjoon's voice trailed off and I could tell he was nervous about the question he was going to ask her.  "We... we were wondering if you would maybe think of coming back to Korea with us?"

Y/N's eyes widened in surprise and I could see Namjoon get nervous, but Yoongi touched her cheek gently.  "You... you don't have to tell us now.  We just... we just want to be with our soulmate, to have you home with us."

The smile reappeared on Y/N's face and she squeezed Yoongi's hand.  "Can... can I think about it?  It's something... something I wasn't exactly expecting you to ask."

Namjoon nodded in a hurry, trying to reassure her.  "Of course.  I know it's asking a lot of you, asking you to change your entire life for us, but... but we want you with us."

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