Chapter 40

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Taehyung POV:

When I woke up the next morning, the sun had just barely come over the horizon, filling my room with early morning sunlight. I was too excited to sleep for much longer knowing my soulmate was here in Korea, knowing that she had spent the night in the same apartment, in the same country with us. It was so different from her being halfway across the world and I couldn't believe how excited I was about it all. I lay there for a moment, debating on what I wanted to do. Part of me wanted to go and see if she was awake, but I knew she must be feeling a little bit of jet lag from her transatlantic flight.

Unable to sleep any longer, I climbed out of bed and stretched before heading into the bathroom to wash my face, brush my teeth, and take care of my other needs. Before I exited, I checked my hair in the mirror, just in case. I couldn't help but laugh at myself for the silliness, especially since I was still in my pajamas. Yes. I wanted my soulmate to see me with neat hair, but I think my pajamas will throw off that whole vibe. I rechecked my hair anyways then left the bathroom.

Stepping out of my bedroom, I peeked in the direction of Y/N's room. She was a couple doors down from me and right across the hall from Jimin's and Yoongi's rooms. As I passed by Jimin's room, I noticed his door was open and when I peeked in, I saw his bed was empty, his blankets still in a jumble from his constant movement. I smiled to myself, figuring he must have been too excited to sleep too and was probably in the kitchen, anxious for our sweet soulmate to wake up.

Y/N's door was open and when I peeked in there, my mouth dropped open at the sight. My soulmate was sound asleep as I had figured, but she wasn't alone. A familiar head of dark red hair was on the other pillow, his arms around her, and a contented smile on his still sleeping face. So this is where you went Jiminie. I couldn't help but smile as I gazed down at them. Jimin was one of the biggest snugglers of our group and knowing that our soulmate had let him cuddle close to her during her first night made me feel that the universe had chosen perfectly for us, chosen the one that was going to be what we all needed, what we all wanted.

Not wanting to disturb the sweet scene, I left them alone in the room. As I headed down the stairs to the kitchen, I thought about how I felt about seeing them together like that and surprisingly? I wasn't jealous. Not in the slightest. Seeing the two of them together like that made my heart fill with even more love and adoration for her and I couldn't be happier.

Feeling happy about the whole situation, my steps were a little lighter, my heart a little happier and I let that feeling carry me down the stairs. Since my soulmate was still asleep, I had the great idea to surprise her with breakfast. I wasn't the greatest cook of the group, but I could definitely figure something out. When I made it to the kitchen, my mouth dropped open again when I realized that someone had the same idea and beat me to it. Yoongi was standing at the stove, frying what looked like bacon, and when I entered the kitchen, he turned and looked at me.

"What are you doing up so early?" Yoongi's question was curious and I raised an eyebrow at him.

"I could ask you the same question hyung. What has got you out of bed so early?" I moved closer to the stove, snagging a piece of bacon off the plate that Yoongi had set aside. It was perfect, crisp and flavorful, just the way I love it.

Yoongi shrugged, but I could see the pink tint of blush on his cheeks. "Nothing. Just couldn't sleep."

Unable to stop myself, I snorted out a laugh. "You? You couldn't sleep? You expect me to believe that?" I crossed my arms and leaned against the counter, not believing him for a second.

Yoongi looked down at the pan, but I didn't miss the small smile on his face. "Fine. I wanted... I wanted to make Y/N breakfast. It's her first morning here and I wanted to do something nice for her."

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