Chapter 32

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Taehyung POV:

"Yay! We're here!" I dropped onto the bed in my hotel room, a grin on my face as I turned to look at Jimin and Jungkook. "And tomorrow morning, our soulmate is going to be here soon." I gave Jungkook's arm a squeeze, unable to hold in my excitement. "And she's going to be attending the concert tomorrow night." We had arrived in Paris a few hours ago, but had stopped on the way to the hotel to get food, wanting to experience some of the Parisian delicacies, including beef tongue and croissants. The beef tongue I could do without, but the flaky buttery croissant was delicious and something I would definitely want to eat again.

Jungkook laid down next to me, Jimin on the other side, their faces lit up with the same excitement and happiness that I was feeling, something that I couldn't push down no matter how hard I tried. I had tried to convince myself that it was too early to fall for Y/N, to early to feel this overwhelming sense of love and adoration for my soulmate, but I couldn't help it. My heart knew she was the one, the one that I was going to spend my life loving and it grabbed hold with both hands, wanting to cling on tightly and never let go of.

"Do you have everything planned for tomorrow night?" Jungkook looked over at Jimin, who nodded. Jimin had pleaded with us to let him take Y/N on a solo date after the concert and we had agreed, smiles on our faces as he explained where he wanted to take her. It was sweet and romantic, the perfect first date and I knew she would love it. He had been extremely nervous about it all, but I knew his excitement for the date was going to outweigh his worry.

"Yeah. I think so. One of the managers, along with one of the bodyguards, is going with us strictly for protection, but it's going to just be her and me. Hopefully... hopefully we will get a little bit of privacy, a little time without them hovering over us." Jimin chewed the side of his thumbnail, a silent gesture that showed just how nervous he was, how worried he was about everything going well.

"Don't worry. It's going to be just fine. Y/N is definitely going to enjoy the place you're taking her. Hell! I want to go with you and I don't even feel that way about you." Jungkook's voice was filled with amusement and Jimin leaned over and shoved him off the bed, laughing when the younger man squealed in protest, sitting up on the floor with a pout on his face.

"Jungkook-ah's right. Y/N's going to love it." I hugged my best friend, my soulmate in another life.

Jimin smiled at me and I could tell that our words had reassured him, comforted him. "What's the plan for tomorrow when she gets here?"

I shrugged. "Namjoon-hyung mentioned breakfast and maybe just hanging out until the concert. I would love to take her shopping the next day, maybe for an early lunch." We had a concert tomorrow night and the following day and I knew we had to be at the stadium at 2. It wouldn't be a lot of time to spend with her, but hopefully she would be willing to go. I felt terrible wanting to make plans with her the moment she stepped off the plane, but I was so anxious to see her that I didn't know what to do. "I wonder if Hobi-hyung would want to go. I bet he would like to shop in Paris with our soulmate."

Nodding his head, Jungkook grinned. "Yeah he probably would."

We were silent for a moment and I looked between the two of them. "I'm... I'm a little nervous to spend time with her on my own. I know we've been texting, but it's different when someone is sitting right in front of you."

"Yeah. I'm... I'm a little nervous too but the place I'm taking her? I don't... it's not really the type of place for a group date." Jimin's smile was wry as he spoke and I couldn't help but laugh.

I shoved his shoulder a little, making him grin. "Oh Jiminie. Just say you don't want us there."

Shoving me back, Jimin nodded. "Fine. I don't want you there." Jimin's words made us dissolve into laughter and we spent a few moments catching our breath, faces red, smiles so wide they took over our faces, and stomachs aching from the effort. As I lay there with my brothers, I couldn't help but be excited to know that in just a short while I would see my soulmate, hold her in my arms, show her the love that filled me up, the love that I always wanted to have.

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