Chapter 7

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Jungkook POV:

As I settled into the large comfortable seat on the plane, I couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief at the chance to relax, even if it was just a short while. The last four days had been hectic, seeing as we had performed four concerts in a row at the World Cup Stadium in Seoul and I was more exhausted than I had expected to be. Luckily, ARMY had been high energy and it helped to dispel some of the exhaustion that was bound to come with being on stage so many nights, but I was glad for at least a little break. It was a three and a half hour flight to Hong Kong and I was excited for the chance to kick back and do nothing.

We had two shows in Hong Kong before heading to the United States the day after the second concert. Although I loved visiting the United States, I was dreading our schedule there. The US ARMYs were great and supportive even if they couldn't understand the lyrics to most of our music, but because we had so many fans there, management had scheduled more concerts there than our prior tours. They even added a few cities that we had not visited before, including Indianapolis, Phoenix, and Minneapolis. I was curious to see the new cities, see more fans and see more of the country I had not spent that much time in yet.

A sound from my right had me looking up to see Taehyung. He settled in the seat next to me and fell asleep within minutes. Based on a short conversation with him this morning, I knew he had been up late the night before on the phone with Soomin, who was once again complaining about not being able to attend the tour. I was proud of him, Namjoon, and Jin for putting their foot down and refusing to let the girls come. We were going to be busy enough as it was. If the girls came, it would just be a huge distraction, cutting into the little rest time my brothers would have. Especially Mi-suk.

All Mi-suk wanted to talk about was wedding plans and what she wanted to buy for the wedding. All I ever heard was 'Seokjin look at this cake. Seokjin look at this headpiece. Seokjin look at these flowers.' To me, it all sounded like 'Seokjin spend more money on me.' As much as I disliked the girl and wished I could say something, it wasn't my place. Jin was my friend, my member, my brother, but this was his life, his choice, his decision. To say anything negative regarding Mi-suk would potentially put a divide between us and it wasn't something I was willing to do. Instead, I would respect his relationship. I would put on a happy face and pretend to be happy for him, pretend that I didn't hate his fiancé, pretend that seeing him so unhappy didn't break me a little bit.

Looking over at Taehyung, my heart shattered a little for my friend. The stress and exhaustion was clear on his face and I knew Soomin was partially to blame. However, just the same as Jin, my opinions on her were just that: my opinions. If this was the girl that Taehyung wanted to be with then I would be supportive of him, show him I was there for him. The only positive about their relationship was that at least they hadn't been together too long. There was still time for him to get out of the relationship. I just hope he realized that she didn't make him happy before it was too late.

Putting on my headphones, I leaned back and waited for the plane to take off, waiting for the silence that would descend once we were 9,000 meters in the air. For now, the plane was still bustling with management making sure everyone was checked in and on the plane and the flight attendants checking to see if we needed anything before takeoff. I turned my favorite playlist on and rested my head against the back of the seat, stretching my legs out and appreciating the extra room I had to move about.

As I watched the other planes take off, I couldn't help but feel grateful that we had our own private plane. We used to fly commercial, but when our travel dates were leaked along with flight information, ARMY would buy seats on the plane and bother us. I know they just wanted to be near us, but damn. Sometimes I wanted to take a break, be able to talk to my members without all my business being spread all over social media. This worked out so much better for us in so many ways.

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