Chapter 43

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Namjoon POV:

"Wow! I don't think I will ever get tired of this view!"  I couldn't help but smile at the excited words of my pretty soulmate as she looked out the window of the train.  We had left Daegu only a few minutes ago, right after the sun had set.  We had spent the day getting a tour of the city by Taehyung and Yoongi then had dinner with their parents before boarding a train to head to Gwanju.

"You didn't have pretty mountains like this at home?" Y/N turned to look at Hoseok as he spoke, shaking her head.

"No.  The only time I really got to see mountains was when I drove to Kentucky to see my sister.  Unfortunately where I lived was flat land, boring."  Y/N made a face, one that made us all laugh.

Wrapping an arm around her shoulders, Yoongi kissed her cheek, making her duck her head shyly.  "I will take you to all the pretty places you want to see."

The smile still on her face, Y/N turned to face Hoseok.  "Are you excited to see your family?"

Nodding exuberantly, a huge smile crossed Hoseok's face.  "Oh yes.  I don't get to spend a lot of time with them so this will be very nice.  My sister is even going to be there.  She was in Paris on photo shoot and decided to take a break to come meet you."

"You said she is a fashion designer?"  I could hear the interest in Y/N's voice and it made me smile, knowing that our soulmate cared about the people in our lives, the people that were important to us.  Hoseok's smile and voice turned even brighter as he began telling Y/N about his sister. 

While they talked, my mind drifted off to our missing member.  Even though Jin had assured me that he was fine, that he was doing okay, I couldn't help but worry about him, worry about everything he was going through.  Even though it was not the nicest thing to do, I couldn't help but compare our sweet soulmate to Mi-suk.  The two women were so vastly different that it was almost hard to believe and it made a tiny part of me wonder for a second if our soulmate really was as genuine as she seemed.  The instant the thought crossed my mind, I shoved it down, not wanting to have these kinds of thoughts about Y/N.  If this was going to work, I needed to trust her and believe she was who she said she was.

Pulling out my phone, I checked to see if there were any messages from Jin.  I had sent him several while we were in Daegu, including a photo from the top of Palgonsan Mountain, but there had been no replies.  Not hearing from him made me worry since this was usually not something that happened with him.  He was pretty good about responding to messages, especially during times where we weren't all together for a while.  This radio silence was weird and it made the nasty feeling in the pit of my stomach intensify.  Letting out a sigh, I sent another message, one that just simply asked him to let me know he was okay, that I was worried.

"Namjoon-hyung?"  I looked up at my name to see Jimin eyeing me strangely.  The rest of them were standing and I quickly looked around.  "Um... we're going to get drinks and snacks.  Would you like anything?"

Shaking my head, I gave him a smile.  "No.  I'm good.  I'll stay here."  I looked over at my soulmate, eager to get a moment alone with her.  "Want to stay here and keep me company?"

Y/N nodded.  "It would probably be a good idea.  I don't... I don't want to draw any attention."

Moving over to sit next to her, I grinned.  "Yeah.  Plus it will give me a moment alone with you with all these silly ones."  I gestured to the maknaes who huffed at me before laughing.  Y/N shook her head, a smile on her face, and when she looked out the window again, Taehyung wiggled his eyebrows at me suggestively.  I could feel my face getting hot and I swatted at him.  "Get out of here weirdo."  With a laugh, the maknaes, along with Hoseok and Yoongi, exited the train car.  I turned my attention to Y/N.  "Sorry about them.  They can be a little silly sometimes."

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