Chapter 8

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Jimin POV:

The alarm next to the bed blared and I smacked it with my hand before rolling over and burying my face in the pillow. I loved performing but damn I was tired. Our plane had arrived in Hong Kong last night and even though the flight was short, I was still drained. The four days performing in Seoul had been amazing and I was so happy to be back on the stage, but it was also exhausting. It took a lot of effort to make sure our moves were in sync, to make sure we hit the right notes and to ensure that we came in at the right time. It took hours of preparation for a show that seemed to be over much too quickly.

The time in between concerts was filled, our schedule packed with even more activities and events. I don't think many people understood how much energy we expended between dance practices, photo shoots, music videos, and our show. That didn't even include the concerts. We rarely had time to ourselves and when we did, I felt like I used most of it to sleep. Although I was tired, I tried not to complain too much about it. Our fans were amazing and everything we did was for them, to ensure they had a good time at our concerts. It was no question that they adored us. Selling out our shows, merchandise and albums, along with helping us get to the top of music charts all over the world was proof enough.

I lay there for a moment, enjoying the peace and quiet. I knew today was going to be hectic. Our first show in Hong Kong was tonight and we knew the stadium was completely sold out. I felt for the fans who couldn't get tickets and I made plans to go live after the show, hopefully to bring some comfort to those who couldn't be there tonight. Doing the live videos was one of my favorite ways to interact with fans. Even though I couldn't hear their voices, it was fun to see their comments. They range from sweet (I miss you) to sexy (You're so handsome) to weird (Can I dominate you?) and everything in between. I replied to what I could, but they usually came in so fast that I could barely read them.

It was one of the main reasons I missed the fan meets. That was true fan interactions. Being able to see them and talk to them in person was really special. I especially loved flirting with the fans and seeing their reactions when we held their hands. Most would get so shy they could barely speak and it was absolutely endearing to me. They always brought us such nice gifts and it touched my heart to see how much they cared for us, cared for people they didn't even know. However, with the pandemic, we couldn't do any fan meets. Management had decided to postpone those for another year and the idea of waiting that long to truly meet our fans was frustrating.

Finally pulling myself out of bed, I shuffled to the shower, rubbing my puffy eyes, trying to wake myself up a little bit more. I wasn't as serious about my sleep as Yoongi, but I didn't like to wake up early either. I preferred to stay up late and sleep in. And even then I like to wake up on my own terms, not at 7 AM with an alarm clock blaring in my ear, pulling me from the nice dream I was having.

As I showered, I thought again about the vision I had seen of the woman I believed to be my soulmate. She was beautiful, way more beautiful than anyone I had ever seen, and I couldn't believe how much I wanted her. It was the first woman in a long time that I was immediately attracted to, both emotionally and physically. I spent way too much time imagining the things I could do with her, do to her. Some were sweet, holding her hand, making her breakfast, taking her on cute dates; however, some were downright perverted and I would end up having to excuse myself so I didn't walk around with a raging erection.

I know some fans believed that we were a bunch of playboys, jumping from one girl's bed to the next, and in the beginning that might have been true, but as we got older, the ideas of random hookups just wasn't appealing anymore. I watched my hyungs get in serious relationships and even though I didn't like their girlfriends, a serious relationship was something I wanted for myself. I wanted a woman that would love me, support me and take care of me. One that I could do the same things for, but I knew with my busy schedule it would be hard to find someone like that. As an idol that was easily recognized, I couldn't go out and meet a woman, but at the same time, it's not really how I wanted to meet someone anyways. And I definitely wasn't interested in using a dating site. I knew that would never go over well.

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