Chapter 6

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Namjoon POV:

As expected, the first concert in Korea at the World Cup Stadium was sold out. The fans had lined up hours before the concert even started and as I looked out the window of the stadium, I grinned at the amount of support we had. It was something I had missed over the last two years. We had to postpone so many concerts because of the pandemic and this was the first time we were back with our fans in person. I couldn't wait to see them, feel their energy. It was something I needed after the conversation I had with Amiah last night.

Just like Soomin and Mi-suk, she had been asking me to come on tour with me, but I absolutely put my foot down, refusing her request. Although I understand it would be hard not seeing each other for six month, the tour was going to be unbelievably busy. There would be hardly enough time for me to catch up on my sleep as we went from city to city, country to country. I knew emotions would be running hot and the last thing I needed was for me to lose my temper with Amiah when we were halfway across the world. It would make everything that much more tense.

Jin came up and put a hand on my shoulder. "You okay?" I nodded my head, not really wanting to get into the issues with Amiah right now. I knew he was struggling with Mi-suk and I didn't want to add to it.

"Look at them all." I pointed to the fans gathered outside the stadium, the line stretching around the building and down the block as far as I could see. They had brightly colored posters and I grinned when I saw my name on several. It made me happy to know that ARMY hadn't completely turned their back on me after announcing my relationship with Amiah. It was something I had been worried about, but it was just proof that ARMY really did want us to be happy.

"You ready for tonight?"

Nodding my head, I turned to him, a smile on my face. "Yeah. I really am. I can't wait to perform for them again. It's been... too long."

Jin wrapped an arm around my shoulders, giving me a quick hug, understanding what I had been going through. I had known this pandemic was hard on us all, but outside of medical professions, it was especially hard on the music industry. Performers lived for the stage and for it to be taken away so quickly was hard. I had heard the same thing from teachers that were forced to leave their schools. Their place was in the classroom, in front of students, so when so many had to move to Zoom meetings, it took that away from them. With the pandemic coming to an end, it was spirit lifting to see people back where they needed to be, back where they were supposed to be.

After a moment, I moved away from the window, heading towards my stylist to get my hair and makeup done. I had cut my hair short in the summer of 2021 and after receiving such a positive response from ARMY, I had left it that length, recently switching back to a dark brown, closer to my natural hair color. I would be debuting the color tonight and I was curious as to how ARMY would react. When Amiah saw it yesterday, I knew she wasn't thrilled. She repeatedly told me she liked the blond best, but I was ready for a change, ready for something different.

The time leading up to the concert passed quickly and before I knew it, we were getting mic'ed up and heading towards the stage. I could hear the VCRs playing and the reaction from ARMY was almost deafening. Their cheers and shouts were so loud that I could feel it in my chest, feel the tremor in the moveable section of stage we were currently standing on. I looked around at my members and their smiles of happiness and anticipation filled me up with an indescribable joy so big, I was surprised I was able to contain it.

Taehyung had a grin on his face, brighter than anything I had seen in a while, while Hoseok was bouncing up and down on the balls of his feet. Jimin was practically vibrating in excitement, his eyes wide with happiness and I could see the look of pure elation on Jungkook's face. Jin looked over at me and winked and I knew he was just as ready as I was. When I caught Yoongi's eyes, he grinned, his gummy smile making a rare appearance and I knew he was just as happy as the rest of us.

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