Chapter 29

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Yoongi POV:

The second the door closed, silence took over the room and I knew we were all feeling the same thing.  Was our soulmate sincere when she said she wanted to see where this goes?  Were we really going to get the opportunity to make her ours, make her see how much we wanted this to work out?  Was it really that simple?  I was worried because it just seemed too easy.  We had met Y/N only a few days ago and it already seemed like everything was working in our favor, working out the way it was supposed to, the way we wanted it to.

Needing something to do with my hands, I stacked the breakfast dishes on the silver carts that they had been delivered on, my mind filled with thoughts of my soulmate.  While we ate, I could see Y/N doing her best to give us all the same attention, the same love, the same sweet smiles.  I could see the way my brothers gravitated towards her, wanting that smile directed at them.  I knew it would be challenging to have seven soulmates, but I could see she was doing her best to make sure things were equal.

A hand on my shoulder stopped me in my actions and I turned to see Jin standing behind me. We hadn't really spoken since the luncheon with Y/N and to be honest, I wasn't really ready to talk to him yet.  Part of me was still furious for the way he had treated my soulmate, our soulmate and it wasn't something I was going to just forgive easily.  "Hi Yoongi-ah.  Can I speak with you?" His words and eyes were nervous, hesitant.  It was a side of him that I wasn't used to seeing, wasn't used to being around.

Before I could respond, Namjoon called for the both of us, his face worried as he eyed us. "Cars are here. We need to go."

Nodding at Namjoon, I turned away from Jin and made my way out of the hotel room.  I could see the disappointment on his face, hear the sigh that escaped him, but his reactions to her today hadn't been any better than the first day. The entire time Y/N was there, Jin had sat in the desk chair, scrolling his phone, a bored look on his face like he would have preferred to be anywhere but there.  When she had said goodbye to him, he gave her a dismissive wave like it wasn't worth his effort to speak to her, like she wasn't worth it.  The action had completely pissed me off, especially considering how nice we had tried to be to Mi-suk.  If Y/N was rude or closed off, I could see him behaving that way, but she wasn't.  She was kind and caring, loving and compassionate.  It exuded from every pore and I just couldn't understand why Jin would behave the way he did, why he would be so closed off the way he was. 

After management gave us the all clear, I climbed into the back of one of the black SUVs that had been hired to take us to the airport and back to Los Angeles and away from our soulmate.  Jimin had jokingly asked Manger Sejin if we could push the world tour back, but I knew there was some truth to that question.  Three and a half days with our soulmate wasn't nearly enough, but to be completely honest, an entire lifetime was never going to be enough, spending every moment in her presence was never going to be enough.  She had pulled me in completely and all I wanted was to be by her side for the rest of my life, to have the chance to love her, take care of her, and let her know that there was no one I wanted more than her.

I knew it felt like it was too soon, but I could feel myself falling fast and hard for the woman who was my soulmate.  When I thought of falling in love, it was something that was always just a fleeting thought, something that I would brush aside and think 'oh it will happen later.'  I never believed in love at first sight, thinking it was just a fairytale and something that the most romantic people thought of; however, after meeting Y/N in person, seeing the forgiveness in her eyes, hearing it her voice, feeling it in her touch, I knew that love was a real thing. It was something that I was going to jump into with both feet, let myself feel every single bit of it.

Jimin climbed into the SUV with me, followed by Taehyung and I grinned as I saw the happiness on both of their faces.  "Can you believe it hyung?  She's going to move to Korea! Our soulmate is moving to Korea!  She's going to be in the same country as us."  Jimin's voice was filled with excitement as he spoke and the cute little wiggle he did made me smile in contentment, knowing my brothers were happy.  I had watched Y/N interact with Jimin, both at the zoo and today.  I had been delighted to see no inkling of annoyance at some of his over the top behaviors, just a look of adoration for the red head, a look that said she was going to accept him no matter what. 

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