Chapter 12

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Yoongi POV:

Moving away from the hotel door, I headed down to the designated breakfast area, curious about the conversation I had just heard.  I had been planning on asking Taehyung to join me when I saw Jimin going into Taehyung's room.  I heard Taehyung accuse him of sleeping with a girl and Jimin's adamant refusal.  Although I felt bad about eavesdropping on their conversation, I couldn't help but feel there was something going on, something that was happening to Taehyung.  I was awake last night when Jimin went into Jungkook's room so I know he didn't have a girl with him.  Why would Taehyung think he smells like sex?  The whole thing was strange, but the more I thought about it, the more I wondered if Taehyung was perhaps dealing with the same thing I was.  I knew that one of the soulmate effects was based on scent.  Could it be his soulmate?

"Hey Yoongi-ah.  Come and join us."  Jin's voice was bright, simple evidence that after we had arrived last night, he went right to sleep.  I knew he had been having some trouble sleeping, so seeing him so rested made me feel much more relieved. 

Loading a plate, I sat down at the table with Jin and Namjoon, flipping over my coffee cup, giving the server a distracted 'thanks' when she filled it.  She blushed and hurried away from the table and I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.  Although I was grateful for the life I lived, sometimes I wished I could talk to someone or even smile at someone without them tripping over their feet.  I know we were international celebrities, but we were also people, too.  I took a bite of my food, enjoying the spread that had been laid out for us, a combination of both Korean food and traditional American breakfast foods.  Although donuts and sweets weren't my idea of breakfast food, I occasionally did enjoy them when we visited the US.

"How did you sleep?"  Namjoon's question was directed at me and I grunted in response. 

"It could have been better."  After arriving at the hotel, I had spent a couple hours working, finally falling into bed close to 2 AM.  I hadn't slept well when I did fall asleep and I was disappointed that there had been no dreams of my soulmate.

Namjoon hummed in response, the sound sympathetic.  "Well we don't have anything scheduled until this afternoon so you'll be able to get some sleep."

Nodding my head, I continued to eat, anxious to get back to my room for some more rest.  I felt like the last few weeks had been nothing but nonstop and I was ready to take a break.  We sat there for a little while longer, finishing our meals.  After the plates were cleared, we said our goodbyes and I headed back to my room.  Once inside, I closed the curtains, turning the room dark then stripped down to my boxers before climbing in between the sheets.  A combination of not enough sleep and physical exhaustion had me asleep in moments.

Eager to see my soulmate, I hurried along the path and before long the trees parted, the sun warmed my face and the scent of the sea filled my nose.  My soulmate, my beautiful Y/N, was seated on the bench. Her head was down and for a moment I wondered if she was all right.  I approached her cautiously, the same way one might approach a stray kitten, on quiet feet with soft breaths.  I rounded the bench and wanted to pull her into my arms when I saw the tears on her pretty face, tears that shattered my heart and instantly sent me into protective mode.

"Are you alright?" Sitting next to her, I reached for her hand. "What... what happened?"

Y/N turned to me, a wry smile on her face. "Is this real?  Am I really sitting here talking to my soulmate?"

The sadness in her voice cut into a place I didn't even know I had and I wanted to hold her, tell her I would take care of her. "Unless we're both having strange dreams that keep repeating then yes. I'm your soulmate Y/N and you're mine."

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