Chapter 3

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The blaring sound of the alarm pulled me from my slumber and I grumbled in protest, not wanting to leave the beautiful dream. Although I could only remember snippets of it, I wanted to go back, to the view from the cliff, the salty smell of the air, and the almost familiar sounding voice of the man who had sat next to me. He had a hat covering his hair and dark sunglasses so I couldn't even really see his face, but the way he smiled, the way her touched my hand had me feeling something I had never experienced before. Something that I couldn't explain.

Knowing I had to get up, I dragged myself from the bed and into the bathroom, turning the shower on and stripping out of my pajamas. I dropped them to the floor and stepped into the shower, letting the hot water rush over me, helping to erase the last vestiges of sleep. After washing my hair and body, I rinsed then got out of the shower, grabbing a towel off the rack and wrapping it around myself.

After drying my hands, I changed the Band-Aid on my finger. After slicing it pretty good on New Year's Eve, I had been making sure to keep it clean. The last thing I needed was the deep cut getting infected. I studied it for a moment, happy that it was healing nicely. A day or two more and I could get rid of the Band-Aid. I wrapped it up then tossed the wrappers in the trash. I picked up my pajamas off the floor and tossed them in the little white hamper in the bathroom before heading into my bedroom.

I stepped into my closet and grabbed a pair of scrubs from the shelf. Since I was working in the pediatric unit today, these were pink and had cartoon kittens on them. Although I was an ER nurse, I often times subbed in other wings when needed and today would be the pediatric wing. Although sometimes it was heartbreaking since some of the kids were so sick, the smiles of the children made my heart light and I loved being near them. They were less trouble than the ER patients, especially the ones who were brought in from bar brawls or for drug use. Those were the worse since they were often belligerent, resulting in me being punched on occasion.

After dressing, I pulled my hair into a ponytail, making sure it was out of my face then grabbed my phone from the side of the bed. I checked my messages then grinned when I saw one of my favorite nurses to work with, Arely, had sent me a message.

  I checked my messages then grinned when I saw one of my favorite nurses to work with, Arely, had sent me a message

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