Chapter 39

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Jungkook POV:

"Oh god.  Why is it taking so long?"  Taehyung paced back and forth across the new apartment, his socked feet wearing lines in the freshly vacuumed carpet.  His words were impatient and I knew he was looking forward to seeing Y/N, seeing the woman that had changed all of our lives for the better, the woman who had stolen all of our hearts in a second.

When he strode past me, I grabbed his wrist then dragged him over to the plush dark grey sofa, trying to calm him down a bit.  "Sit down with me.  It's going to be okay.  She will be here sooner than you think then we have our whole lives to spend with her."  My voice sounded calmer than I actually felt and I had to stop myself from jumping up and pacing with him, letting him know that I was doing everything I could to hold it all in.  Our soulmate was in Korea, physically in Korea, and I couldn't be more excited than I already was. 

Looking down at the message from Y/N, I couldn't help but smile.  She had sent us all a message in the group chat that Namjoon had created, letting us know that her plane had landed safely.  As much as I would have loved to go to the airport and pick her up, be there when she got off the plane, I knew it was for our safety.  We had sent one of our lesser-known bodyguards, Dae Chunghee, to pick her up, someone we didn't think ARMY would be able to recognize, if anyone saw him.  The last thing we needed was someone connecting her to us, especially before she was ready.

Standing up, I headed over to the room we had set up for her.  Jimin was standing in the door, a small smile on his face as his eyes roved over everything.  We had taken our time setting it up and I knew he was picturing her in there, something I had done so many times already.  Simple things like standing in front of the closet and picking out clothes, sitting in the window seat that overlooked the river with a book in hand, enjoying a cup of coffee in the morning on the small little balcony or a glass of wine in the evening.  I couldn't wait until she was here with us, here with us permanently.

"Excited?"  I touched Jimin's shoulder and he looked over at me, his eyes filled with eagerness.

"It's funny.  Whenever I thought about falling in love, I always imagined she would be sweet and funny, kind and caring.  It was what I always wanted and I used to tell my mom that.  It's hard to believe that everything I dreamed of is coming true."  Jimin's voice was soft as he spoke, his eyes still on the room.  "Part of me is scared that everything is going to fall apart and she's going to decide she doesn't want us, want me."

I moved my arm around Jimin's shoulder, pulling the smaller man close to my side.  "Stop.  Don't think those things.  Y/N loves you.  Just like you love her.  You have to have faith in that and don't think bad thoughts."  Seeing Jimin doubt himself like this hurt my heart since he had done this so many times before, never believing he was good enough, never believing he was enough.  It had gotten better over the years, but to see it in regards to our soulmate, the woman who obviously adored him, adored us all, made my heart break a little for him.

"She said she loves me."

"I know."

Jimin looked over at me, the small smile still on his face, but this time a little more genuine, a little more real, a little less hesitant.  "Whenever we had a conversation, either through video chatting, talking on the phone, or messaging, before we say goodbye, she would always tell me she loves me.  Every single time.  There wasn't a conversation that ended without it."

Seeing the love in his eyes, hearing it in his voice as he talked about our soulmate, made some of the anxiety I was feeling in my own mind start to fade.  I had seen her with Jimin, with the rest of us and it was clear that she was sincere, that she was serious about wanting to see where this all could go, what it could be, what we could be together.  "Do you believe her?"

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