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Siddharth pressed the buttons on the treadmill so that the speed increased. His calves burned as he exerted them and ran faster. His chest was on fire as his phone rang. It was his uncle Sanjay Sandhini. He picked up the call as his uncle's voice boomed from the phone.

"Do you know what your wife is doing?!" He blasted.

He kept quiet and ran. What had Sakshi done now? He was pretty sure she just did something minor and irrelevant and his uncle and aunt were going to blow it out of proportion. But he didn't know what Sakshi was up to. After five years of marriage and she was still a well-known stranger to him.

They had not even had one conversation in five years so his uncle was out of his mind if he thought he was going to reprimand her now. And even if they had that kind of relationship he didn't know why he was expected to reprimand her. She was an adult woman who was capable of making her own choices.

"What happened?" He huffed.

"I met Nitin today while playing golf. Nitin Sopara of Sopara and Sons Co Law Firm. He told me Sakshi is filing for divorce."

"What?!" His chest constricted. He needed to stop. He pressed the button to slow the treadmill down but in his shocked state he pressed another button and the speed increased.

He felt his nostrils burn and his chest constricts and his legs tangled as he lost his balance and fell backward.

He should've made some noise. But all the sound that came off was of him crashing and hitting his head on the floor. His chest constricted and he felt his whole body go numb.

His heart was racing and he couldn't breathe. Each breath felt like he was breathing in air that weighed a ton of bricks. His body broke into a cold sweat as he had chills all over.

Fucking hell. He thought. He hoped his uncle had heard the crash but he was busy rambling on.

"How could she do this us...that whore...she must be sleeping around too like that brother of hers..."

He tried to open his mouth but he couldn't even open mouth. His body felt frozen and paralyzed. His vision swam as he saw the overhead led lights getting brighter and brighter.

Is this how he was going to die? He wondered. In his New York apartment, on the floor. All alone.

What a pathetic way to go. That was his last thought as darkness swept in.


When he opened his eyes again, the overhead lights were too bright again. His head was blaring with a headache and he had to close his eyes with a wince.

"Sid?" A woman's voice called out to her.

Sakshi? Had she come? He opened his eyes and his vision focused on her face. It was not Sakshi. It was Myra. He felt a wave of disappointment. The Sid should've given it away. When had Sakshi ever said his name? He couldn't recall even a single time she had called him by his name or even called him? But what was Myra even doing here?


"Oh, Sid? I'll call the doctors!".

She left him and he sighed. The quiet beep of the machines filled the room. God! How long was he out? The room was filled with a plethora of doctors and nurses. The next few hours were a pain. They conducted various tests to make sure he didn't lose his mind from the fall. But everything was fine it seemed.

In the evening, Myra had come back, she asked him how he was. He said he was fine.

"God! I was so scared. Sanjay uncle had called me yesterday morning. He said he was talking to you on the phone and he had heard a crash. I called 911 and they brought you here. Don't you worry, Sid. I've informed Sanjay Uncle that you're fine. He had arranged for a private jet. As soon as you feel better, we can leave for India. "

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now