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Sakshi entered the room and she found Siddharth inside with his arms on his hips and he looked terrifying. Her stomach dropped and she wanted to run away. She didn't like angry men.

"Did you know she was there?" He asked without turning to face her.

She was tempted to lie. "Yes."

She saw him pinch the bridge of his nose  and his back flex. Her hands were clamped with sweat as fear gripped her.

"Why?" He finally asked when the silence had begun choking her.

"Because I wanted to." She did want to kiss him. She didn't know how to explain it to him that even though her intentions were wrong, she had longed for his touch. And when he touched her, she had genuinely forgotten Myra was there.

She was pulled out of her thoughts when he gave out a scoff. He turned towards her with a twisted smile on her face. "Don't lie me. Don't think I'm a fool! Since, you did it, why don't you just fucking admit it?"

"Admit what?" She gulped.

He walked towards her with an accusing finger pointed at her, "That you kissed me because you thought kissing me was the best fucking punishment for her. And that you're so selfish that you used me to hurt her and you think we're all puppets at your hand!"

Her anger flared. Did he care about Myra? He was supposed to marry her. "Oh is that what this is about? I hurt your darling Myra and now you're angry? Is that it? What do you want me to do. Go beg her to forgive me? For what?! Kissing my own husband in my own house?!"

"What? That is not the point, Sakshi! The point is you using me to prove a point!"

"God! What fucking point do you think I was proving?!"

"I don't know! So tell me! What was the point?!"

Her eyes burned with tears. Why couldn't he understand? That you're mine! She wanted to scream. But she said nothing so he spoke with venom dripping in his voice.

"Will you stop acting like a child? It is getting really tiring now. I am done with all these acts, Sakshi. I am positively done with all this." He said. Her anger returned with much fire and bitterness. He was done? Her chest clamped. It took him a week to tire of her?

"Is it now? Oh! I have an idea! Why don't you go ahead and sign the divorce papers and marry someone mature like Myra for instance?!" She had yelled it out loud and she realized her breaths coming in pants when there was silence. He had the gall to frown at her.


     Siddharth was confused. He was. He didn't know what kind of logic warranted her behavior. He hadn't meant to chide her. He didn't like fighting. He had always run away from confrontation. But running was easy. He calmed his mind down and softened his voice.

"What? Come on now." He told her and she laughed bitterly.

"I go to work and I come back and  what do I see? I see you and your family trying to play house with her as if I am that easily replaceable! Do you honestly not fucking see what is wrong with that?!" She splayed her hands out as if stating the obvious.

     She was right but hadn't he tried? He had tried to get Myra out of the house. But she knew none if it. He had himself acknowledged that if he had been in her shoes he would've been angry, yes. But hurt, the most. Was she feeling the same, he wondered? Before he could think more she continued,

"No. Honestly! Why don't you get together with her? Your family hates me! They love her! You both were supposed to get married, right? I fell into your life separating you both! So why don't you do all three of us a favor and divorce me?!"

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now