Twenty Eight

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The next morning, she was awake before him so she guessed it was still the middle of the night. The ac was cool and looked at him. He was on his stomach and he had his head turned away from her. She could see the tan skin on his back.

From this angle, she could see the uneven scars on his back. He had told her his uncle has whipped him. She traced the ridges and even though they were healed and hardly noticeable now, she felt her heart break for him. For the boy he once was.

She had been so immersed in her problems for years, that she never spared him a thought. Sometimes she hated him. She blamed his presence at the party, if he hadn't been there then they would've never kissed and things would've never happened.

But it was a long time till she accepted that whatever happened would've happened anyway. This whole ordeal was getting exhausting. Hiding from him was exhausting. The truth was on the tip of her tongue. And her heart beat so fast, her ribs ached. She knew she had to tell him the truth sooner or later. And she knew it was going to be sooner.


The next morning, Sakshi noticed that her husband wasn't his usual self. There was no mischievousness in his eyes, his eyes seemed lifeless. Even when she wrapped her arms around his shoulders as he sat on the bed and acted clingy which she knew he liked.

He just kissed her cheek and moved away. Soon enough he left the room to work in his office. She didn't have much experience with men but she knew a man wasn't supposed to act like that, especially after last night.

When she was getting ready, a knock sounded on the door and it was Priya.

"Hey, Babhi! Is Bhai here?"

"He is in his office, I'm afraid. Why? What's up?" She asked letting Priya in.

"I came to wish him." Priya beamed at her and Sakshi looked at her puzzled.

Priya gasped, "Oh. You don't know. It's Bhai's birthday today."

Suddenly it all made sense. No wonder he had been aloof with her. She didn't even know it was his birthday. After all the sweet things he did and remembered about her, she felt compunction wash over her.

She squared her shoulders. She still had time to turn it around. Sakshi was determined to make this birthday of his a memorable one.

She had readied the cake on Veer's instructions and it was a huge mess but at least it tasted well. She had found the streamers and the lights.

By the evening, everything was ready except for her. She chose a satin red saree today. She did her make-up light and wore dark red lipstick.

Then she texted him asking him to finish his work early. He said he would be there in 10 or 15 minutes. She lit the candles and she dimmed the lights.

She checked herself in the mirror. Her hair was straight and ended in curls and her make-up looked perfect. She spritzed her rose-scented perfume and then she waited.

When the door clicked open, she smiled wide. Her husband walked in and he looked at her and took it all in. His face was unreadable. He was shocked. That was understandable.

She walked to him and she kissed his cheek. "Happy Birthday!" She said and when she withdrew, he still stood frozen.

She wound her hand on the crook of his elbow and dragged him to the table. "I made the cake myself! I know it looks like a mess but it tastes good I promise." When she looked at him, he looked at the cake.

Her heart beat faster now in fear. He didn't say a word and he wasn't smiling too. His gaze was fixated on the cake where she had written "Happy 31st Birthday!"

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now