Fourteen - 2

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      "She has changed you! How dare you do this?"

      Sakshi cringed as the patriarch's voice boomed even across the door. The tea cups clattered in her hand. She really didn't like angry men. After last night, she felt guilt gnaw her out.

     "Sakshi didn't change me. And you made me CEO for a reason. It's business, uncle. There are far more benefits in supporting her campaign."

     "She's a woman. Do you really think she can succeed?"

      "Woman or no. Wife or no. I think she deserves an equal fighting chance. As much as any man."

     Sakshi felt her heart hammer. She tried to turn around but the tray slipped from her hands and crashed to the floor. She found her slippers and her jeans stained with tea.

    The door opened and she looked up at him. His impassive face recognized hers and at once his eyesbrows knotted in concern. "Are you okay?"

     "Y-yes." She shrugged.

      At once he shut the door and she dropped down to her knees picking up the pieces and discarding them in then a tray. She winced as a sharp piece pierced her finger.

   The door opened and Sanjay Sandhini walked out grunting at her. She continued  to pick up the pieces with her other hand. She winces again and she saw him squat before her, taking her pricked finger.

    "Leave it. Come here." He grabbed her hand  tagged her along to his office. He grabbed the first aid box and cleaned her wound and applied a band aid.

      "Thank you." Her face was flushed. He merely muttered a welcome and moved away from her to his desk. He grabbed something from the desk.

    "I was going to talk to you about this but since you're here." He say beside her and skid the papers towards her.

    "What's this?"

   "I've restarted the funding to your campaign."

   She gasped. He really had. She had just brushed it off her mind. But he had remembered. "I don't know what to say..this is just...thank you."

   And before she could control her movements, she had already kissed him on the cheek. And as she moved away, her face flamed at the realization if what she had done. She realised that she was accosting him a lot and he never touched her first. Her heart pulled at the thought. She felt compunction at her desperate behavior. Maybe, he didn't feel the same. She never realized that.

  She stood up abrubtly. "I.....have to go."

   She didn't even know why she was getting affected. It was just a kiss on the cheek. The whole day Sakshi stayed inside the room and she had to plan out the drop spots and the items to be packed.

   In the evening, she moved to his study. The meetings were back to back. She had had a quick dinner in the study itself. Siddharth had brought a plate for her and he left the room promptly.

  Exhausted Sakshi slumped back on the chair. The whole room smelled like him. Now in the quiet, she wondered if their relationship had a future. It was less of a wonder and more of a wish. She closed her eyes. He was such a wonderful person. Her heart tugged. She looked at his desk and brushed her hand over it. He didn't deserve her. She knew that.

  She opened his drawer and saw that it had papers neatly arranged. She pulled out a bunch of papers which looked too familiar. She grabbed the papers and closed the drawer. It was the divorce papers. She opened the papers and saw that he had already signed it. Her chest pulled and she noticed the date. It was a week back.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now