Thirty Six

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      When she screamed, it activated his animal instincts. He ran. His legs carried him inside the familiar house and up the stairs. He banged on the door but it was shut. He was about to kick the door open when a hand closed around his shoulder.

    "Easy now. No need to rush." Veer told him. But it took the three of them to drag him away from the door.

    They dragged him to the library downstairs and he shrugged away from them roughly. "Let me go!"

     "Kushi is inside. She'll take care of it." Dhruv told him but he shook his head and tried to push through the door.

   Viren was in his way, "Trust me. You'll only get in the way. And she's fine. It happens. It might just be a false alarm."

      "Might? MIGHT?!" He was about to shove him away when the library door opened.

     "You all are here? It's nothing. Just a false alarm." Jaanvi said and then his eyes narrowed to Siddharth. "Why are you still here? Didn't you stress her out enough?"

    "Janvi come on! Let's go." Veer tugged her arm but she shoved it away.

    "Oh no. I have something to say to him."

      "You don't have to." Veer tried to intercept again.

    "I have to. Remember when Sakshi' knocked some sense into you. Consider this as a payback." She told him.

    Then she looked straight at Siddharth, "Even if he called, why did you come? You left her to deal with it when your uncle shot her. Why are you back now?"

    Because I love her. That shouldn't have been so hard to say. He didn't leave her alone. He had only agreed to her wishes.

     "You knew everything. She told me you read the letter you wrote and yet you didn't even come comfort her once?! What kind of person does that?"

    "What letter?"

   "The letter she wrote on the day she got shot. You didn't read it?"

     "No." He said dazed and confuses.

      " that makes sense." He saw Janvi step away and Veer tugging at her. "This is why I told you not to start anything."

     "What's in the letter?" He asked to everyone in the room but they just looked at him with a sombre expression.

       "Everything." Veer told him.

       His heart clenched. Not in sorrow but in anger. He found himself alone and in need of defense. No one had thought to defend him.

       Siddharth found a deep envy spreading inside him. Even though they both were similar in so many ways yet they lived different lives. Even though they both were orphans, she had found a family. A fortress so strong that she was the centre. All through these months he had been alone and in agony and most of all; lonely.

    Never had he felt this despair. He has been in exile. That didn't hurt as much what they believed of him. That he was so stone hearted that he would not understand her. That was the core of the problem, wasn't it? They all assumed that he was villainous enough to not forgive after knowing the truth when he had forgiven her without knowing it at all.

     He found himself staring at her. He didn't even notice when his legs had carried him over. She was in the bed and Doctor Kushi was caressing her forehead but when he barged in she pushed to sit upright.


        Sakshi felt tired and as if she has aged a thousand of years in a night. Kushi was combing through her hair. Somewhere, she was grateful that she had friends who had looked after her like family. Yet, loneliness loomed inside of her. These months had been long and gruesome. She has missed him to the very core of her soul but what could she do except miss him? Kushi jumped beside her when the door slammed open.

    It was him. She pushed herself up. His chest was rising and falling as if he had ran here. He said nothing for moments. Kushi told him to get out. He didn't heed her, he only looked at her.

      "I didn't read that letter. Whatever the fuck that was in that! I didn't read it!"

    Sakshi gasped. She had never considered the possibility that he might have not read it. She always thought he had and just wanted to say nothing about it.

    "You didn't even consider that, did you?! Do you really think me so evil and cold hearted that I wouldn't understand?! How many times should I prove my love for you? How much trials should I give you so that you fucking believe me?! What should I do so that you think I'm worthy of your love?!"

      Sakshi found her vision blur. His voice had tore at the end and now his shoulders shook as he sobbed. His thumb and fingers were pressed into his closed eyes. She felt nauseous. Her chest felt like it was being squeezed by someone else. A lump has formed in her throat, it choked her and she found tears stinging her eyes.

      She clutched her chest. Kushi had moved in front, blocking her view. "Are you okay?" She had asked. She shook her head but she found her twin had already dragged him out of the room.


      "Collect yourself man. Maybe, you should sleep today and talk to her when you're calm." Veer told him. It had taken him and Viren and Dhruv to gather him inside the car.

     "Where are you staying?" He asked but Siddharth said nothing.

     "Take me to the house." He said.

         "Why? You were staying in a hotel?"

     "I want to read that letter." It seemed that all the fight has left him.

     "Maybe later? Why don't you rest for now?"

     "No. Drop me home."

       Maybe it was Veer's fault that he wasn't paying attention. But the next thing he knew was he whole body felt like he was slammed into a brick wall. His ears were ringing and when he opened his eyes, he realised that their car had toppled. He couldn't even make sense until he was pulled out of the car.

    "Hey. Hey. Are you okay?" It was Dhruv who slapped him and he nodded. His head was heavy.

     "Help me! He's stuck. Call an ambulance!" That was Viren. Dhruv shrugged his shoulders and let him slip to the ground.

     "Oh Fuck! Do you think he's dead?" Dhruv asked, dread filling his voice.

     "Who's dead?" Veer asked. He was still dazed and confused. He looked at them and there was Viren and Dhruv on the phone. He panicked as he found who was missing.


A/N: It's a short chapter but I wanted to post this since updates have been irregular. Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment.



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