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Siddharth was almost leaving for his flight when his secretary told him that his father-in-law had taken ill.

He remembered the disaster breakfast at his uncle's place. She had threatened them with a divorce.

He didn't know why his chest clamped. Sakshi. His mind fogged with her thoughts.

When he had lost his parents, he was five at the time. His aunt had told her that his mother had been from a royal family. Even though royalty didn't exist in India, its vices and status quo still existed. His father was merely a shop owner. It was a whirlwind romance and they eloped. His mother's family had disowned her. His aunt told her that her mother was the best thing that had happened to the family. That she was a goddess on Earth. And it was surprising to him because his aunt never had a kind word for anyone.

Their luck had shined after their marriage, his father's business grew and his mother had suggested he purchase a parcel of land, and the land had oil within. They were rich in an instant. And they had him in the 5th year of their marriage. His aunt relayed that they desperately wanted a child and there had not been even a single temple they hadn't visited.

And soon enough, he was five and a dreadful accident took place. His parents were dead. His aunt would always shed a tear or two when she relayed the story. She would look at the large image of his parents wistfully. But he felt nothing. He didn't remember them. At all.

They were strangers to him. And somewhere he resented them. Why would you bring a child into this world and then leave so soon?

But, he sympathized with Sakshi. She wasn't like him. She was the apple of her baba's eye. He was reminded of Veer's words, "She grew up like a princess..." and she had. She was motherless but he was sure, she rarely missed her.

He knew, losing her baba would hit her harder than ever. Somewhere, he had hoped his father-in-law would survive because he didn't know how he would comfort her if things got worse.

When he reached the hospital, he saw that her twin had already reached there. When he walked behind Veer. Veer had his back to him.

"What did you do?" He was asking someone.

And in an instant, all of his muscles tensed. He saw her standing before Veer. He couldn't even identify her. The woman's face was splotched with a red flush. This woman was not his wife. Sakshi had always had her head turned up high. She always had an air about herself. That was what had earned her the nickname "princess".

But he saw the woman who had her hand clamped over her mouth, sobs wrecking her, tears rolling down her cheeks. Siddharth felt his chest tug.

He glared at Veer. Had he made her cry? He needed to know what had. He would make sure that it wouldn't bother her again. He wanted - no, he ached for her to be her old self again.

"Veer." He called his brother-in-law. His voice was freezing. Veer turned around and her glassy eyes landed on him. She looked away from him and her hand fell away.

He bristled as he saw an imprint on her cheek. Her lips had also busted open, blood darkening forming a crease on her lip. Scorching blood rushed through him. Who had hurt his wife so? He turned his attention to Veer with the coldest of his glares.

Sakshi had walked past them, rushing to God knows where. He clenched his jaw.

"Why was my sister crying, Sandhini?!" Veer snapped at him.

Siddharth met his accusatory glance steadily. "Are you accusing me?"

"You are her husband. Are you not? Also. Don't think I missed the blow on her cheek." Veer had already grabbed his coat lapel and hissed. "So, you're such a scum that you hit women now?"

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now