Twenty One

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Siddharth closed his eyes. He knew she was watching his every move. This was a test. He understood that much from the glint in her eye but he couldn't imagine someone else touching her or kissing her. His fingers curled into a fist. He opened his eyes to see her looking at him with her cat like cunning eyes. Besides, he was testing her too.

"My baser instincts would've made me punch whoever that was. But..." He took a calming breath and opened his fingers. "But I don't have any right to be mad at you for liking someone and seeking comfort, carnal or emotional, elsewhere when I wasn't available here."

Something in her eyes told him he had passed. There were things he had learnt about Sakshi that he never knew before. He learnt that she didn't have an arrogant bone in her body. She wasn't capricious or selfish or bratty or ice cold like he had believed her to be. Infact, he learnt that she purposely made people think she was all these things, when deep inside he admired her for being selfless and down to earth.

In high society, attending a gala and writing some cheques counted as charity. But Sakshi was so rooted to the ground, it was as if she could sense where there was a lack and put her whole soul into filling that the best she could. She was smart and she was witty. Could a man ask for more?

He realised long back that she didn't just have the brain and the cunningness to be a politician, she also had the heart for it.

How did you woo a magnificent woman like that? He wondered. And he had a theory. With honesty and vulnerability. So he had bared his past in front of her. And now, he waited to find out if his theory proved to be true.

"Who was it?" He asked.


"Ohh." He breathed out a sigh of relief. He saw her narrowing her eyes at him. "You should've told me so. As much as he annoys me, I wouldn't punch him."

His wife scoffed and put her hands to her hip. "Whyever not?" She said offended.

"Ever woman likes him. He's just charismatic I guess." He shrugged. "From the men I got to know that Aghanya had a thing going on with Dhruv too and Janvi was his ex, wasn't she? It's like he's a woman magnet. I'm sure you couldn't help it either."

And also he knew how much he was devoted to his own wife, Kushi. He had first hand seen it. He knew there wasn't a chance in hell that he'd do anything to break his wife's trust.

She huffed. "Men."

He chuckled. Oh how he loved her. She looked beautiful washed in moonlight.

"And I know you want me too."


"You desire me."

"That's a load of -"

"I heard you."

"You heard what?"

"I heard you moan my name."


"If I slip my hands down there, I bet you'd be wet for me."


That itself had made her wet. Her cheeks flamed with mortification. God damn it why had she pleasured herself with him there?

Deep down she knew why. She wanted him to wake up and groan darling in her ears and take her. She wasn't willing to admit it. A fresh pool of desire washed over her.

"You wouldn't do that." She said.

"Why do you think so?" He teased her.

Maybe if it was a few weeks ago, she would've feared him. But she knew her husband well by now. And she knew the amount of self control he could exhibit. "Because you told me you'd never touch me if I didn't ask you to."

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now