Twenty Five

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        When Sakshi woke up, she had to pry her eyes open so that she stopped seeing that bastard's face. Her scalp and neck were sweaty and goosebumps patterned her skin. She took in a few breaths until her senses registered everything around her. She felt the heaviness of his hand around her ribs. His breaths caressed her neck.

        She felt embarrassed about her behavior yesterday. Her only excuse was, that she had waited for so long. Also, It hurt her that he forgot. And his uncle had further shook her. Even though she didn't want his words to affect her, they did. A bad woman, a bad wife, the words rang some truth.  She couldn't escape the disappointing glares that baba gave her. He was always so disappointed in her.

      Her eyes filled with tears and she couldn't stop them. She felt so easily replaceable. Veer took her place as baba's favorite child and now she was supposed to vacate and be replaced by Myra? Her chest shook in sobs.

     The loneliness moored so deep inside her. She never had a mother to share the relationship that baba and Veer shared. Veer had Janvi and the twins. Whom do I have? She wondered. No one.

    "If I vanish, no one will miss me. No one." She whispered to herself.

       "I would."

     She should've known that he was awake. She rubbed the palms on her wet cheeks and turned around. She couldn't see his face but she could see his silhouette.

    "If you vanish, I would miss you Sakshi. I miss you even when you're right here." His voice dark and deep reached her.

     She gulped the knot in her throat, "Don't say stuff you don't mean. Don't make promises you can't keep. " Her voice scratched against her throat leaving out her lips in a raspy tone. "Just like last night." He moved his hand away.

      "Will you ever tell me what's wrong or do I have to play guessing games and keep apologizing for God knows what?"

      Another tear dripped from the corner of her eyes to the slant of her nose at his cruel words, "What if I share it with you?! Will it solve it?!"

        She could hear the frustration dripping from his voice, "Maybe! Why don't you try?"

       She shook her head. He didn't know what was at stake. She was so tired of being pulled at like a puppet. She didn't want him to know. She wanted that part of her life to be hidden from him. She sat up pulling her knees closer to her chest.

      "Fine. I'll bite. Your uncle wants me to divorce you."

      "What?!" He was sitting uptight too.

   "He told me to leave so that you can remarry." Her voice tore at that.

      "And what did you say?! Did you agree for God's sake?"

     He pulled her elbow. She brushed off his hold roughly, "I didn't. Did you want me to say yes? You'd be rid of me."

    "Fucking hell Sakshi! Do you honestly think I want that?!"

    "That's not even the end of it. He's planning to marry you off to Myra. He received a proposal from her dad."

  "God! Is this why you were saying all that nonsense last night? Do you have to be this oblivious? Do you not know?"

    "I'm not as much oblivious as you though. Know what exactly?"

      "I am oblivious? Pray please tell me what I was oblivious about?"

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now