Bonus chapter

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Myra got out of her car and pulled on her shades. Her phone rang and she cringed. Her mom was calling her.

"Myra! Why is your blood glucose level so high? Did you consume sugar again?"

She rolled her eyes. "I had a business lunch. We had Tiramisu. I couldn't refuse."

"Why didn't you just say you were on a diet? Or order something keto"

"Mama I can't hear you. I am facing some network issues. Bye." She said and cut the call.

Her stomach grumbled, she was so hungry. But she shook her head. And walked into the makeshift camp. Sakshi's secretary was to be present in the office today. She walked in and looked around and then she saw him. She stood frozen at her place. Good God! How was he here?

At once, she was assaulted by the memories of her past. Him. Her. And the best of New York City And then she had stood him up at the altar and never contacted him again. How was he here? She was pulled back to reality when his head snapped to hers and he frowned. She stood like a deer caught in the headlights.

"May I help you?" He asked.

She couldn't say anything. "Ma'am? How may I help you?"

"Sakshi? File?" She strung along words like an idiot. She was mortified at being recognized. But his face showed no signs of his recognition.

That stung. Had he not recognized her? She didn't know whether to feel joy or sadness at this. On one hand, she was relieved very selfishly, and on the other hand, she knew if he knew who he was he would not even talk to her.

She admitted that she has hurt him. She had left him at the altar. She relatively had no explanation for that. But it was good to see him.

"Ah, are those files for Sakshi?"
She handed him the bundle and he looked through them with a pinch in his eyebrows. "I have never seen you before. Are you a new joined?"

She laughed awkwardly and nodded in affirmative. He looked at her through his glasses and smiled. Oh my, she thought. His smile was enough to weaken her knees.

"I have to go."
"Yes. I'll send these to Sakshi and then I'll mail you?"
"That's fine."
"It was nice meeting you? I'm sorry I didn't catch your name."

Myra froze in her place and an instant she was sweating through her palms. "I'm Meera."

"Meera it was nice to meet you."

"You too." She said and walked out of the tent so fast. She was never visiting Sakshi's off again. That was what she had thought.


"Bentley is such a fine gentleman. I don't understand why you wouldn't date him?"

"His parents named him Bentley?"

"This is no joking matter. He is a good match. He is at par with us in status and he is handsome."

Myra groaned. She was tired from work and now her mom was railing on her about some guy. "So you would go on a date with him?"

"Fine. One date. "
"Excellent. Meet him tomorrow at Heaven's hotel. Also, remember baby, you are dieting."

Myra shut her eyes in anger. Why was it always about dieting and weight loss? Her mom was forever complaining about her weight. God! She was thin, wasn't she? How much more than should she be?


She texted Bentley after her mom gave her the address. They had decided to meet up at the hotel.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now