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There was no one who gave a good setdown like Sakshi. Sakshi had been a mean girl all through her school. She knew girls like Myra too well. The girls who wanted something or someone who belonged to others too bad. It was like a conquest to them.

And Sakshi was going to turn the tables on her. She had dressed in the simplest saree she could find. She didn't want to dress up because that would give Myra the satisfaction that she was trying to one up her.

Sakshi smiled into her water. Sakshi couldn't one up Myra because Myra wasn't on her level at all much less over her.

She felt the flare of jealousy that passed through Myra when she entered the room hand in hand with her husband. And also when she let him sit down beside her.

Poor Myra had worked so hard to sit beside Siddharth and Sakshi obviously wasn't going to let her efforts go down in the drain. By the end of the dinner, she was going to make Myra regret ever sitting there.

Once the plates had been served. Myra had picked up a dish and piled the vegetables mix on Siddharth's plate. Myra stood up and walked around serving everyone. "I helped aunty in making it. I know it's your favourite. Taste and tell me how it is, Sid please?"

Sakshi gripprd the glass harder. Oh it was on. "I will. Later." Her husband said.

Myra sat down and pouted like a child. What was she? 15? Sakshi fought hard to not roll her eyes. "Pleasee sid. Do it now for me?" She grabbed his arm and tugged him.

"Fine. Fine." He said exasperated. He raise the spoon to his mouth and Sakshi leaned over and whispered in his ear, she made sure her lips brushed the ridges of his ear, "Did you see my note?"

A loud clang rang through the room as her husband had dropped the spoon. "Sorry." He muttered embarrassed.

"Siddharth. I'm sorry. Here let me clean it up for you." Myra said.

Sakshi was going to drag her out of the house by her hair but Siddharth had caught Myra's wrist before she could touch his thigh. "No. That's fine." He dropped her wrist as if it had burned him.

He turned to her and said, "Yes. I got it. So, did you?"

"Did I what?"

He leaned over and whispered, "Did you miss me darling?"

She choked on the morsel of food and gulped down water. Her cheeks heated.

"Sakshi, I think it's so admirable what you do." Myra butted in.

"Well you can join me tomorrow if you want."

"But my leg.." Sakshi knew what that conniving bitch was doing. She wanted to stay in the house for as long as she wanted and the excuse was her leg.

"Oh I forgot about it since you weren't limping anymore." Sakshi grinned.

Her husband snorted beside her. She turned yo see his lips were curved. He was trying not to laugh she realised.

"What about you? Will you come with me tomorrow?"

She prayed that he said yes just to save face.

"Sure." He shrugged.

"I will too babhi. I am bored at hime anyway."

"Sure priya. The more the merrier."

Oh she just wanted to kiss him. She felt the glare that Myra gave Priya.

"Well, If my legs gets better I might join you guys too." Myra said a bit too enthusiastically.

"No Myra beta you shoukd rest. If you keep walking on it you'll injure it further."

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now