Twenty Four

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           Something was wrong with his wife. He wondered how he was in this situation again. He didn't know what was wrong but it was as if a sudden frost had settled between them. He sighed tired, wasn't everything fine yesterday? Did she want space again? Did he do something wrong? He had no idea. Sakshi was giving him the cold shoulder since last night. He dragged his palms across his face in exhaustion. Now only someone who was a seasoned husband could help him because he had no idea how to mend this situation.

        "I don't get it. You had a date and then she just got cold?" Viren said to him.

          "Was it something you said?" Veer asked him. Now, how could he say that there wasn't much talking?

         "No. I'm pretty sure that wasn't it."

        "Huh. Where is Dhruv anyway? It is his domain." Viren said. "I'll call him."

       "Maybe you should just talk to Sakshi. If she's then you must've done something wrong. Just make it up to her, she'll understand. Very accommodating she is, that twin of mine." Veer said.

        "I'll try."

     "Dhruv is busy. What a shocker! Anyway, my solution is to woo her. Buy her flowers, pamper her, and she'll be flattered, and bam! Done!"


      "You wouldn't believe the hints I dropped. Argh! I'm embarrassed!" Sakshi said to Janvi.

    Janvi only laughed at that. "It is kind of sweet."

     "How is it sweet?! We were on a date, we touched third base and the only one who climaxed was me. And then nothing!"

       Janvi laughed again. "Yaar, it is cute to think he doesn't objectify you in that way."

     "I want to be objectified though," Sakshi whined.

      "Why don't you just ask?"

        Sakshi sighed and slumped in her chair, "That's the point! Shouldn't such things just be understood? Isn't that what chemistry is?" 

  "But communication is the key to any good relationship Sakshi."

"I know that but I just hoped we would read each other in a way." 

"I don't know why you're giving her 1980s advice." Aghanya said to Janvi and she addressed Sakshi, "Now that he knows you're mad, he'll try to make it up to you- flowers, chocolates, that kinda thing. And when he does, just act flattered and seduce him. Bam! done!" 

"I tried the seduction thing..." 

"What were you wearing?" Aghanya asked. 

"A pair of jeans and a top I guess?"

"Boring, wear something sexy." 

"Oh yeah in red. Red suits you." Janvi piped in. 

"I'll try." 


When she was done with her call, Vikram called her. 

   "Who?" She asked. 

   "She said her name was Meera. I have the documents, do you want me to send you scans?"

She remembered the call she got from Myra yesterday. Oh right. Maybe Myra had sent someone over. "Yes, do send them over. I'll go through them when I have the time.

She laid her head against her desk. This won't do. She had to go to her office. She couldn't just stay scared at home. And if she came across that bastard Ashwin again, she would handle him like a Rane. 

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now