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When her lips touched his, he felt himself being transported back into his 17 year old self. The night when they first kissed seemed awkward and innocent. And right now, this kiss was too familiar. 

He kissed her back. He wasn't made of stone but anger coursed through his veins soon enough. A bit at her and most at himself, for losing control. And for forgetting. She was the same person who had kissed him that night and then slapped him and made accusations at him.

After that night, he still didn't know if she trusted him. She had ignored him for two days and now she was throwing him crumbs of affection again.

He pulled away harshly and walked away. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths. "You can't. You can't do this!" He said harshly.


Sakshi couldn't understand what was happening for a minute. They were kissing and then he had pushed away.

"Sakshi. You can't do this to me!" He said again, his eyes blazing.

She was still dazed. "Why did you kiss me?" He asked his eyes all cool fire.

"I...just because." Honestly she didn't know why too. She just kissed him. Maybe because she lost her mind because of romantics. His password was their wedding date. It was a romantic moment. What else could she say?

He gave out a dark laugh, "Just because? Is this another game of yours? Haha I am a little tipsy. Let me go kiss my wretched husband. Haha let me give my husband a hand job and then avoid him after that!"

Sakshi felt blood rush to her face and with it she felt heat and anger rise in her. "You're over reacting! Good god, Siddharth! We kissed. That's it. What do you mean why? What do you want me to say?"

"Anything but that." He snapped at her.

She could feel a headache coming in, "I don't understand this at all. Do not act like I forced myself on you. I didn't. We kissed each other. I gave you a hand job and you liked it. So what is it? I avoided you because this is very new to me and I am dealing with my emotions. Is that fucking wrong? I just needed some space for God's sake!"

"You're being finicky. That's the problem. As if you're ready to drop everything and go as soon as this lockdown is over."

She stilled and she said nothing. Maybe it was her countenance that gave it away. But his eyes widened.

"You are thinking that. Aren't you? Why? You're so frustrating. Why are you thinking that? You literally wanted us to give this marriage a chance."

"I..." She closed her mouth.

"Just answer this question. Are you planning on going through the divorce after all this is over?"

"Yes. Maybe. I don't know." She couldn't lie anymore. The truth slipped out.

"Then why are you still here with me? Why did you say you wanted to give this marriage a chance?"

"Because...because...divorce is not an option for me for right now."

"Because of the campaign?"

"Yes! Because of the campaign. Veer already has messed it up so much and I eventually want to enter politics and bring the party back to it's former glory and divorced women just rub people the wrong way." She lied.

"So you decided to deceive me and then use me?"

"Siddharth..." She said exasperated. This was not how she had planned for him to find out.

"Enough. We were attending couples counseling?! Just what the fuck? We kissed! And you just!" He closes his eyes and opened them. "God! You're so selfish! That's why everyone calls you the spoiled brat, don't they?!"

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now