Seventeen part II

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Sakshi had cried herself to sleep. She hated him. She was sure of it. The next day, her eyes were swollen and she knew that he saw that. She hated fighting with him.

She did almost forgive him when he pulled her into an empty room. "God, Sakshi, what is this state you're in?"

"Let me go." She tried to push him off but he placed both of his hands beside her head trapping her in. "Sakshi, come on now....stop acting like a child."

"I'm not a child!" She snapped.

"I know that." He said and then he kissed her and she couldn't help but kiss him back. She turned him and slammed his back to the wall. She kissed his jaw and his neck and trailed her lips down his torso. She fumbled with his belt buckle and she saw his head lean back on the wall and his eyes close.

After she was done, she was buttoning up her shirt when he came behind her pulling her to his chest. He kissed her neck and shoulder. "I love you, Sakshi. You know that right?"

"I love you too, Ashwin." She said and leaned on his back.



Sakshi stood in her makeshift office right in the middle of stripping off her PPE suit when there was a knock on the door. She quickly put on her mask and her face shield and opened the door.

It was Vikram her brother's assistant. "Ma'am I have urgent news for you." She was using his assistant as Vikram quit from his office and took on to writing a blog.

She opened the door and let him in, "What is it, Vikram?"

"One of our staff members have tested positive so we have to quarantine and test everyone."


"I have booked a residence nearby and registered all the staff for the RT - PCR test but the test will be conducted tomorrow. All the centers are closed now."

"Oh. Thank you. So we all have to stay? What about food?"

"I have arranged for that. Food packets will arrive in two hours."

"Thank you Vikram. And the rest of the staff, have they been moved to the residential camp?"

"Yes ma'am. You and some of the team heads are left to relocate. They have their private vehicles."

"What about you Vikram? How are you arriving?"

"I'll be arriving in my car."

"Can you drop me then? I sent my car back to the house."

"Sure ma'am."


Once in her makeshift room, she sat on the single bed. The room was nice with whitewashed walls and a tv and it was clean. After her hot shower, she grabbed her phone. There were many messages but she scrolled to his name. He was online. She wondered whether he noticed she was late.

She decided to drop a message to Priya informing her she won't be home today. Priya asked her what had happened. She let her know. After that, the moments seemed too quiet. Loneliness was sweeping in. She tapped her phone screen again.

He was radio silencing her. She felt anger and sadness wash over her. Anger at his apathy and sadness because of the same reason. Maybe she was at fault. She should've listened to his explanation before dismissing him. She wanted to admonish herself.

She decided to call her brother. "Hello."

"Hello Sakshi. How are you?"

As always she could hear the chaos in the background. "I am fine.It sounds like holy hell in there. Whatever are you all upto?"

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