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He didn't know who kissed who first but as their lips gelled together, Siddharth groaned. He had missed this. He had missed her. He pulled her closer as she played with the hair on his nape.

"I missed you..." She sighed and Siddharth couldn't explain the feeling in his stomach even with an extensive vocabulary.

"Oh.....darling. Did you now?" He whispered against the skin of her neck.

"Yes..." She hissed as he trailed his teeth along her collar bones. She pulled him back until the back of her knees hit the bed and she laid down dragging him along.

"Did you miss me?" She asked and there was a hint of fear in her voice. Was she scared that he'd say no?

"Yes. Sakshi. I missed you. Very much." He laughed at how ridiculous her fear was. If only she knew how much he loved her, she wouldn't question it. She smiled against his lips too.

He moved his hands towards her hips and to that spot under her ribs and tickled her.

"Traitor!" She squealed, laughter blistering from her lips and she wiggled under him. He kissed her shoulder and tickled harder and she laughed again. He could spend the whole day hearing her laugh.

"Oh ha ha ha" her shoulders shook with laughter and then Siddarth found something strange happening. Her shoulders shook a sob tore away from her mouth. Her hands covered her face as she sobbed and Siddharth felt helpless.

"Sakshi, what's wrong?" Panic lumped in his throat. Had he done something to hurt her?

"Leave me alone." She said and pushed him away lightly. Tear rivulets were damp on her cheek. He wanted to soothe her. "Please go!" She said sharply and he stood up from the bed and walked away.


Sakshi had cried. She didn't know why but she was overwhelmed. She knew exactly why. It was him. Ashwin. Ashwin had triggered her to no end. She wanted to erase those memories with her husband but she couldn't. Eventually it had poured out.

When she looked at the clock, it was close to half past one. Now she was in her night gown sitting on the bed wondering about him.

She wanted to mend things between them but she had broken it further. She put on her night robe and walked to his office.


His wife hated him. He was sure of it. He slumped back on the couch and put an arm over his eyes. He shut his eyes tightly. He could feel the tears burning in the corners of his eyes. Did his touch really disgust her so much?

He then heard the door click open. Priya had come a while back to ask him for dinner.

It was her. He jerked into a sitting position. He quickly rubbed the back of his hand across his face.

"What is it? You need something?" He croaked and immediately felt embarrassment. He couldn't even stop sniffling.

"I am here because I don't want you to sleep here. I know this couch gives you an awful backache." She walked over to sit beside him. He couldn't even muster the courage to look at her.

He found her hand grasping his. He couldn't stop from gripping her hand in his palms. His eyes were trained on their hands.

"Darling, I'm sorry...." She said and then he snapped to look at her.

"I'm sorry. I was overwhelmed. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you away." She looked guilty and tired.

He shook his head, "You don't have to be sorry, Sakshi. You can push me away if my touch disgusts you."

"God no! Siddharth! That's not what I feel when I touch you and you touch me." She patted their entwined hands.

"So, you mean to say you aren't disgusted by me...by my touch?"

"No. Disgust is the last thing I feel. Wherever did you get that idea from?"

"I just....I don't know. Whatever happened back there. I felt it was due to me."

"It wasn't. Believe me..." She withdrew her hand and she stood up and sat across his thighs. Her arms snaked around his shoulders. She kissed his jaw. "Believe me please." She pleaded as if she had to beg him. He would always believe her. And he had an inkling that it was something deeper but he couldn't place his finger on it.

He turned to look at her and trailed the back of his hand across her cheek. Her eyelids fluttered close.

"I want you to trust me too. There's no one I've wanted how much I've wanted you. Ever since I was a 17 year old boy, I've only ached for you. There's no other for me."

He gripped her hand and placed it on chest. "There's no one else, Sakshi. No mistresses. No other women. No one. No side pieces like you say too."

She laughed and hit his chest playfully. She leaned down and placed her head on his chest and he wished that this moment would last forever. "There's no other place I feel safe other than in your arms."

He pressed his lips in her hair. "Come back to our bed. I want you there. With me." She whispered near his heart and as always, he couldn't deny her.

He adjusted her in his arms and walked out of the office and walked to the bedroom. He placed her gently on the bed but she wouldn't let him go. "Please Siddharth....I'm ready this time...." Her hooded eyes beckoned him and he was a willing victim.

He climbed over the bed and over her and she kissed him jaw and her hands roamed over his chest. He leaned down to kiss her gently as if she was the most precious item which she was. She was most precious to him. He wouldn't rut like a beast over the time. He didn't want her to overwhelm her again.

She whimpered between their kissed. She raked her nails over his back urging him but he couldn't. "More...harder.." She complained.

He broke away the kiss. "I can't..." He slumped on the bed beside her. "I don't want to overwhelm you again. My heart tore when I saw you like that." He said in all honesty.

"It wasn't your fault. It's mine."

"I want you to trust me, Sakshi. Do you?"

Her silence gave him the answer. She didn't trust him.

"What will make you trust me?" He asked.

"Why did you marry me?

He didn't say anything for the longest time. He was swinging between telling the truth or telling a lie. Would she even believe him? But he loved her did he not? He had to atleast try.


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Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now