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    He smelled so pleasant, Sakshi noticed. She could smell citrus and his cologne. When she nuzzled her nose against his sandpaper jaw, she could smell his aftershave. And beyond all these smells there was something else. Something that she couldn't place her finger on, it was exclusively his. It was his own scent.

      "Sakshi..." She heard her name being called out. It was him. But his usual icy tone was absent, the way he called her, no, begged her was something warm and it rolled all the way to her back and to all places sensitive.

    When she looked down on him, it felt like she was a hunter who had tamed a lion as she felt his chest beneath her hands. He wasn't that muscular. He didn't have abs. But his lithe body was masculine none the less.

    She could imagine his face in the fog, his bottom lip underneath his teeth and his eyes closed. "Sakshi..." there it was. He was pleading. And his raspy pants sent tingles all through her body.

    She stole a stealing look at his hands which were bound above his head. A cat like grin spread across her lips. He was at her mercy. And he wanted this. He wanted her.

     "What do you want? Tell me." She could feel him beneath her thighs. Was she sitting on top of him? That didn't matter as he gasped out.

      "Please Sakshi.....take me..."

   She leaned over towards his ear, "Say darling and I will."

        When Sakshi pulled back, her heart hammered in fear and not in excitement. It wasn't him under her anymore. It was someone else. There were so many of them. The  world tilted. She was on the bottom and whoever was on top of her had her neck in a vice. She gasped for breath. She couldn't see his face. It was so dark. She wanted to scream. But when she opened her mouth, her screams were empty. She flailed and tugged around.


    Unknowing she had slammed her hand hard onto his face. "Oh God! Fuck!" Siddarth screamed as he woke up clumping his mouth. Sakshi opened her eyes and she was back in the master bedroom. She looked beside her, and she saw her husband, clamping his mouth.

Sakshi gasped and stood up and her hands covered her mouth. She walked around the bed towards the side he was facing. His hair was all over the place. She looked at him rubbing his mouth and his hands were bloody.

"Oh.." she pointed to his bloody fingers. She looked at her own hand. It was her diamond ring on her finger which had cut him. "I'm sorry." She said.

"I'm fine." He rasped out. "I'm just going to go wash up."

She nodded.

  Sakshi stood in the air conditioned room as a cold sweat washed over her. Once the panic had passed, she remembered the dream and that too in great detail. She flushed.


At the breakfast table, her husband winced occasionally between bites. Priya seemed amused. Even Usha Sandhini seemed to glance at them ridiculously. The patriarch Sanjay Sandhini only grunted.

What was happening? She didn't understand at all. Finally Usha Sandhini opened her mouth after the men had left the table. "Good going beta. Seems like the days where I can hear good news is not far enough."

Then realization dawned on her. They thought she had done that to him. She shook her head. "No. No. That wasn't me."

But they just took it as her being coy.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now