Twenty Two

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Sakshi woke up to find him sitting up in the dark. It gave her a start. "What are you doing?" She rasped out in surprise.

"Did I wake you up?"

"No." She yawned, her eyes pooled with sleepy tears. "What are you doing?"

"I am just waiting for the alarm to ring."

"What?" She laughed.

"It's a habit I guess. I always wake up around 5:30. I can't fall asleep after that so I stay up, basking in the quietness."

"Gosh you should've put on the light." She said and doing exactly that. She watched him lean on the headboard. "I didn't want to disturb you."

Those weren't sexy words. Those weren't words that made you hot but it did make her heart race. She couldn't find any words to counter him so she she put it in her actions. She pushed herself towards him and kissed his cheek.

His right arm gripped her waist and he pressed his lips in her hair. She could feel his breaths in her hair and it shot sparks straight till her toes.

"Let's have a date!" She said and he looked at her curiously. "Do have work today?"

Sakshi didn't know why she said what she said. Maybe it was because she wanted to avoid Ashwin. Maybe because she just didn't want the magic to fade away. He chuckled and his fingers caressed her cheek.

"Yes. But I'm all yours in the evening. What do you have in mind?"

"I haven't exactly thought about it. So, is that a yes?"

"Of course, how could I ever deny you?" He mumbled and tipped her chin and kissed her.


  There was something new he learnt about Sakshi everyday. Today's lesson was that his wife was extremely clingy. He found it strange that she didn't visit her camp today but he wasn't complaining, especially not when he had her arms around his shoulders and hee cheek pressed to his. He laughed. And she leaned back from his chair. "What's so funny?"

      "You're clingy." He said honestly.

       "Oh. I didn't realize..." She was pulling her arms away from him and he pulled her back. "No, I like it." He said.

    "I understand if you are busy." She pulled away this time and walked in front of him. He grabbed her waist and plopped her on his lap. "I am not. For now."

       "Now, my princess, what do you need?"

     He immediately felt her stiff in his hold and her gaze was withdrawn, she then shook her head as if to clear her head and smiled at him. "What are you working at?"

     Another thing he learnt that there was so much of her which lingered in the shadows. She hadn't yet told him about what happened that night when they first met. Why she didn't like the words spoiled or brat or princess? Why she was scared of sex and intimacy so much? He had a vague idea of what it may be but he didn't want to face the truth. It couldn't be. Something that horrible couldn't have happened to her. She was a Rane. She grew up protected. But yet, he knew there was something she hid from him. There were too many somethings. He wanted her to tell it to him. He would give her time. He promised himself.

    "Oh!" Sakshi piped up and he saw her holding a paper on her hand.

     "You've ruined my surprise now."

      "This is for me?" She said looking at the paper.

     "Yes. Maybe"

      "What do you mean by maybe?"

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now