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Sakshi sat on the couch as her in-laws shifted their eyes toward each other. Priya was there too. She looked away after she had given her a stare down.

Siddharth was inside the kitchen, preparing snacks and drinks for them. She could already see the disapproval dripping off of Sanjay Sandhini. His mouth was drooped in a disappointing frown and he shifted uncomfortably in his seat, as he cleared his throat occasionally.

"Where are servants?" asked Usha Sandhini.

It was time for a showdown then. Sakshi smiled, "I have given them leave. Paid leave. I couldn't possibly make them work when there's a complete lockdown."

Usha Sandhini's painted lip pressed into a thin line.

She enjoyed it immensely. She knew it rattled them a lot that Siddharth was in the kitchen while she was out here seated with them.

"Maybe Siddharth needs some help. Priya get inside and help." Sanjay Sandhini growled.

"No. Priya, that's okay. He doesn't need any help. He cooks daily now so he knows his way around the kitchen. You don't have to worry."

Sanjay Sandhini cleared his throat again.

"Siddharth cooks? Daily?" Usha Sandini asked her. Sakshi nodded. "He's a good cook, your nephew."

"What do you do then?" she asked with an accusatory glance.

Sakshi shrugged, "I turn on the dishwasher. He loads them after meals. Hmmm, what else?" She made a show of thinking. "Oh right! I also turn on the washing machine. And the dryer. He then irons the clothes and folds them."

She didn't think that Usha Sandhini's lips could get thinner but they did. She wanted to laugh at their sour faces.

"I must admit that you both do have a hand in raising him with modern ideals."

"Raising who?" Her husband inquired after setting down the tray and sitting down beside her.

She turned to look at him and gave him one of her politest smiles. She was in the mood to take it further; she wanted to try and test him too.

"You. I was just telling your uncle and aunt about how helpful you are around the house." She said in sugary tones, her hand fell on his lap.

She remembered the time he shrugged away her hand and before that could happen and humiliate her, she tried to withdraw her hand. But his hand clamped hers firmly placing it on his hand.

"This is our house, of course, it is only justified that I share the workload." He said.

Her whole face flamed, she wasn't sure if it was from his words or their joined hands. But she said nothing and looked at her in-laws.

"I thought you both were getting a divorce." His aunt looked pointedly at their hands.

"We might or might not. It is our business and we'd appreciate a bit of privacy in such matters." Siddharth said' his voice was ice cold.

Sakshi was shell-shocked and not only that, she was impressed. She looked at their hands and found that he was sweaty and shaky.

That confused her. She wondered if he was nervous. She pressed his hand and he looked at her with a tight smile.

"Now can we talk about the reason for your abrupt arrival here?" She asked.

"One of the maids got the virus. They sealed the house."


"Bhai please let us stay here for the night? We had nowhere to go."

"Fine. You all can stay here."

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now