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They had always shared a bed in the past. Siddharth used to visit Mumbai a few times and he always occupied the master bedroom whether she was there or not. Even during the lockdown, their king bed was large enough that they both never bumped throughout the night. She realized that they both were stiff sleepers. And even when she woke up in the morning, his side would be empty. He would already be gone by the time she woke up.

But that wasn't the case today. She sighed and looked at his back. Somewhere during the night, he had discarded his shirt. The warm morning sun glinted on his back. She traced his sharp shoulder blades and his spine. His back seemed wide. It was wider than hers.

She wrapped an arm around his waist and pressed her lips to his shoulder. He had been right. He hadn't touched her and that touched her heart. She squashed the feelings erupting in her chest. It was just carnal desires, she explained to herself. She was just using him in more ways than one now. And he was a willing victim so she needn't feel guilty. She pressed her teeth on his shoulder and he grunted, stirring awake.

"That is enough, you minx. Let a man peacefully sleep." His voice was rusty as he turned around and laud flat on his stomach his turned towards her. His eyes were still closed.

He looked adorable with his hair falling on his eyebrows and his lips pursed. She groaned and climbed atop him laying on his back. He grunted but said nothing. "Get up. I am hungry."

"Hmmm..." he turned around and she could feel her slide away but he held her waist so she was atop his chest. He peered down at her under those thick lashes, he stretched one arm behind his head and his other arm was around her waist. "So you decided to eat me?" He said mirth filling his eyes.

Her heart tugged and she looked away. She looked at his chest and she could see faint red lines. Blood rushed to her cheeks when she realized she had done that.

"I will if we don't go down to eat like right now." She grumbled sitting up. Memories of last night flooded her thoughts. Why had she done that? "I'm gonna go. You can come down later." Her mood was cloudy. She didn't know why.

They had made wonderful progress as a couple. She didn't know why she was feeling gloomy about it all.

"Sure." He said and she saw him fall back asleep.


Sakshi was almost halfway through her breakfast when he ce down. She found herself flushing immediately. God! What had come over her last night?

When he pulled up a chair beside her she stiffened and concentrated on her plate. She picked up the toast sbd nibbled on it.

"Good morning." She jumped as he whispered in her ear. She looked at him and found him smiling at her. Good god, he looked handsome when he smiled. She looked away.

She was ab outright liar now. She was deceiving him into thinking the marriage was real. When in fact she wanted to leave. She was going to leave him once everything was sorted. Her stomach pulled again. She felt nauseous.

Taking a sip of water, she stood up. "Excuse me." She said and stood up from her chair.

At her desk, she checked her phone and saw that Janvi had shared the number. She called the number and someone picked it up.


     Siddharth read the document on the screen again. Even after reading it thrice, he couldn't concentrate on the words written. He rubbed his eyes and slumped back on the chair. He couldn't stop thinking about her cold behavior from the morning.

       Siddharth had woken up this morning with very high hopes. He felt a stone lifted from his chest. He thought that finally, the marriage could work because of last night. But he was wrong. She moved away from him and the distance between them seemed larger than before.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now