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"I have two questions for you," Rose said to him.

"Go ahead," Siddharth said laying his head back against the headrest. The room was too dark for him to make sense of anything but it had a nice ambiance.

"What are you doing here on your wedding night?"

Siddharth wondered that too. He had worked for years and years to get her right where he wanted - in marriage to him. He had imagined how this night would go many times. He wished to humiliate her as she did him.

But he turned away from their room. He realized that he could carry on with his petty revenge or else he could forget about it. They were but teenagers back then. He gripped the armrest firmly. The words she said, the hurt she caused, it was a rude awakening as to how much hierarchies mattered. Finally, he stood at par with her but he hadn't the courage to face her.

"I didn't think that you'd give so much care about fidelity?"

"Oh, hush. You know I don't give a damn about the institution of marriage. But it damn near hurts me when you come here with that sad drooping face. It is quite clear you want to be there, with her, and I take great offense to that."

"What is your second question?"

"Why are you here with me now and in the past too?"

"Because you're easier to talk to. I don't feel judged here by you."

Rose knocked down her drink in a single gulp. "Yeah, because you hold my opinion in such low manner."

"I don't."

"Oh, you do. Hierarchies and stuff. That thing you always say, you only matter if you're equal."

Siddarth frowned. He knew about hierarchies but he felt called out. He did indeed take part in such a system.

"But in any case, I don't think any wife can be at par with her husband," Rose said.

"You haven't met Sakshi Rane." He scoffed. To think Sakshi would submit to him? Not a chance. She was born to rule.

Rose stood and walked up to him, "No. But I know she's a woman. And I know a women have a different set of rules. She'll always be considered lower to you. By society, by relatives, by everyone." By the time she finished it, she was caressing his cheek.

He knew the glint in her eyes. In the past, he had happily chased that glint. It benefited both of them and sated their physical desires. But he knew he couldn't stomach it on his wedding night. He wondered if he could do it ever now? Fidelity was such a base term to him yet he didn't scoff at the idea.

"I hope you don't mind but not today. Not ever I guess?"

Rose moved away, "Well, this day had to come, I guess. You're always welcome to come here, you know? To talk and more."

"Why? To bury a big hole in my pocket? I know it saddens you to lose your best client." He chuckled. She laughed too.

"You should've gone to her, you know? You should've forgotten all about that petty revenge. Your wife is going to be plenty mad at you for standing her up on her wedding night."

"I don't care."




It wasn't news that she couldn't cook. She just didn't. Her twin cooked very well but she was very much regretting not learning how to.

"What are you doing?" Siddharth coughed, waving his hand to dispel the smoke, and walked in. Embarrassment crept in. The omelet she tried to make was burning.

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now