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"What are you doing here?" Veer asked him the moment he put on his camera. "I didn't invite you."

"I did." Viren said.


"Stop being a baby okay? You want us both to play this racing game or something by ourselves?"

"Hey! Dhruv would be joining us so it wouldn't be just us two."

Siddharth's ears perked at that name. That name seemed so familiar.

"You know Veer, they're married right?"


"Well, hello everyone." Another person had joined their meet. Siddharth nearly spat his drink. It was him. He thought his eyes were fooling him. It was Dhruv. The guy his wife talked to often. Too often.

"Well, hello there Siddarth. Nice meeting you again."

"You too." Siddarth said raising his non-alcoholic beer.

"You guys have met?" Veer asked.

"Yes. Well, Sakshi and I are friends so...." Dhruv shrugged.

Siddharth shifted uncomfortably in his chair.

"How come you joined today?" Viren asked Dhruv sarcastically.

"Well my wife had to threaten me to join and enjoy and have fun."

Siddharth made sure he didn't miss it. So like Sakshi had said he was indeed married.

"How is Kushi anyway?" Veer asked.

Siddarth frowned. Now, wait a minute. Kushi as in Doctor Kushi?

"She is exhausted. Always. She barely eats. She barely sleeps. She spends moat nights at the hospital. Listen to me. If any of you start with the masks suffocate me bullshit, I will personally disown all of you."

"Wait, Dr. Kushi Singh is your wife?" Siddharth asked to clarify his doubts. "I thought she was Veer's sister-in-law?"

"She is. Janvi is Kushi's sister and Dhruv is married to Kushi." Veer said.

Siddharth nodded as understanding dawned on him. "Also new rule, no more personal home visits. I am looking at you Veer."

"My sister was sick. Okay? And Janvi agrees with me." Veer said.

"Wow. I cannot believe somehow you three are related." It was Viren.

"Don't remind me." Dhruv said.

"Oh come on! Don't start with that. Why don't you all like each other? The girls are close enough. It is only us men." Viren said.

"Well if Veer didn't punch me I'd warm upto him." Dhruv bit through a smile.

"You punched me too. In the hospital!" Veer said.

"So that makes it even then?" Veer said trying to calm them both down.

"Enough. God. You are fighting like a bunch of teenagers." Viren groaned.

"Yes. It's enough. How is Aghanya?" Dhruv asked.

"Yeah she's fine. I guess."

"I called her. She seemed overwhelmed though."

Viren rolled his eyes. "What are you calling my wife for?"

"And my wife?" Veer said.

"And mine too." Siddharth joined in too.

"She's my friend. She's my sister-in-law. She's my cousin-in-law? I think? Once removed? Oh god. Sakshi is my friend too."

Spoiled • 18+ • Arranged Marriage Story Where stories live. Discover now