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Sakshi sighed and moved away from him. She sat on the opposite side of him.

"And there was this prettiest girl at that party. She was intelligent, pretty and she was best at everything she did. She was also pretty popular."

Sakshi felt her heart strum with jealousy. "Popular? Who was she? Did she study here? In Mumbai?"

"Yes. She did. So, we met at this party and I understood why she had so many admirers, she had admirers at my school even away at Ooty."

Sakshi looked away from himbut jealousy was crashing against her heart. He spoke of her with so much affection and softness. She was surprised that his voice could dip into that octave.

"We kissed. It was my first kiss."

Sakshi took in a sharp breath and she narrowed her eyes at him. "Why are you telling me this?"

"Patience, darling." He smiled. She decided to let him finish.

"And then she slapped me. She called me a pervert and stormed away from there."

Sakshi's eyes widened. "It was you." She remembered him and she wondered how she had missed that it was him. She could see the similarities now. The scrawny teenage boy grown into the man who was in front of her. He had the same dark eyes. His face had changed but she could see how similar he looked. She remembered their clumsy first kiss as it played in her mind. It was him.

    She remembered his lips and his hand in hers. The surprised look as she slapped him. Then she remembered. She had slapped him and he never knew why. He held it against her all these years. She felt her blood boil.

He nodded at her.

"So that was what the revenge was for? Are you serious?!" She couldn't control her voice from going shrill. She felt rage. To think he would do something so petty for what she had done in a genuine moment of fear. He wedded her and never bedded her because she had kissed him and slapped him? She glared daggers at him.

Maybe he read the accusations in her eyes, he said,  "I am not going to justify my wrongdoings. I am not providing any excuses for them, Sakshi. But, I would like to explain it."

"Go on."

"After you left, your family issued a warning to my uncle. My uncle dragged me from the bed on New Year's morning and beat me within an inch of my life. And then he told me to never look at you again. He had to pull Priya out of school too. She was sent abroad. I just...I thought you had kissed me. But I was the receiving end of all the scorn and ire."

She tried finding him after a while. She had tried to find his sister to apologise to him but she was already pulled out of school and the matter was just settled. She just didn't want to stir it again.

"To the boys at my school, I was a hero and a man. I didn't think so. Also, there was a wager going on about you. First to kiss the princess was going to win a certain amount."

"So you took that money?!" She spat. "Something that was bet on my honor?"

Her husband flinched as if she had struck him. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "I did. I needed the money. I wanted to get out of India. Away from uncle and away from you. And that money helped. I am not proud of it."

She knew about the wagers. She always did. There wasn't just that one. There was also various categories, fellatio, first one to take her virginity, etc etc. She felt bile rising in her throat.

She skid to the edge of the bed and stood up. She walked to their spacious balcony. Had he really kissed her for a stupid wager? She womdered and the thought made her heart race in anger. She let the night air settle on her skin. She felt so hot and angry.

"I didn't kiss you because of that stupid wager." She saw him standing beside her.

"It did help, didn't it? Suddenly the bullied boy that you were, you were a man. They stopped bullying you. Must've been nice." She snapped at him.

"I won't lie to you. It was nice. Even though I was disgusted. Everything worked in my favor."

"Then why? Why did you hate me? Why did you seek revenge against me? Me kissing you was the best thing that happened to you, didn't it? You weren't bullied anymore, you were rich because of me! The why!" The corner of her eyes burned.

"Because of the way you looked at me right before that slap. You looked at me like I was the dust beneath your feet. Like I disgusted you."

She threw her hands in the hair. He was so wrong. She felt frustration nipping at her skin. He thought it was disgust? And aimed towards him? God! She snapped, "That doesn't excuse it!"

"It is true that I was going to seek revenge against you. But that faded away soon enough. I forgot all about it once the money fell into my hands." He explained.

"Then why did you sabotage your sister's engagement to Veer and married me for God's sake?!" She moved away from him and held her head.

"Sakshi, I didn't want her marrying into your family. That was all. And your brother didn't want to marry her. Anyone could see that from miles away. How could I push her into the hell hole knowing your brother didn't lover her or even want her. That was the reason why I introduced her to Alec. And I regret it still today."

Sakshi gave out a bitter laugh. "So if everything was well between Alec and Priya. You wouldn't have regretted it?"

"No. Sakshi. I regretted it the moment I was standing outside the door on our wedding night. I was going to confess everything the day I came to your baba's house. Seek your forgiveness."

"I wouldn't have forgiven you then. I wouldn't now too. I was 17 myself for God's sake!"

"I know. I know. I realised it long after. I am sorry."

She went to him and grabbed the fabric of his shirt and shook him.

"If you hated me so much why did you marry me? Priya's wedding was sabotaged. Your aim was fulfilled. What did you marry me for? Was this a game to you?"

"Because I never hated you. I have only lo-...I have only liked you. From the moment that we met till today I have only wanted you. I thought it was hate. It wasn't."

His eyes were telling the truth. And she bit her lower lip and looked at the hands on his chest. If he had really hated her, he would've stayed. He wouldn't have cut off his mistress. If he hated her, if he really wanted revenge and if she was a man and wanted revenge she would've strung her along and then broken her heart. But he hadn't.

"So you haven't slept with anyone during the course of 5 years? You were faithful?"

"Yes. There was no one. I've only wanted you." His arms slipped her waist pulling her closer. The evidence of how much he desired her was pressed against her stomach.

"There was someone whom I liked. I had a crush on him." She slipped away from him hold.

She look at his face and it seemed in control and neutral but his eyes were burning green with jealousy.

"He was nice to me. He still is. The only thing I deterred me was that he was married. If he wasn't and if I had taken things further with him, what would you have done, Siddharth?"


A/N: Vote and Comment. Still sick.

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